2 freakin' MONTHS gone to waste!!!

I don't see anything wrong at all with sleeping in the nest boxes. To me we sleep where we are comfortable, she's comfortable there. Would you sleep better hanging onto a tree limb all night?
Very good point, and I respect you and your opinions
But we aren't chickens. And personally I wouldn't want to sleep in the place where I give birth everyday
Not to mention the poop that gets in there..
I suggest just getting over it. what's a little poop going to hurt anyway?

if you are afraid of poop then this is a bad hobby for you...
And if you're not going to help then I suggest you not post. I don't mind the poop, but I just don't want it in the nest boxes.

When the boxes were blocked off she slept right on the roost where I wanted her to. Unfortunately I can't remove the nest boxes. They are part of the structure.
I'll be more helpful, since you don't want any soup.

A higher roost would help because I have had this same issue, and that is what helped to cure it. Currently, I need to redesign my nest boxes so the "roof" slants and maybe they will quit roosting on top of those (although it is better than in the nest box)!
Because she is a YEAR OLD for god's sake and should know by now NOT to. Nest boxes are called nest boxes for a reason. Same thing with roosts.

And she has been laying since Feb./March.

And if you're not going to help then I suggest you not post. I don't mind the poop, but I just don't want it in the nest boxes.

When the boxes were blocked off she slept right on the roost where I wanted her to. Unfortunately I can't remove the nest boxes. They are part of the structure.

If you get this worked up [and hostile] over a chicken sleeping in a nest I hope you are never faced with a real problem.
Anyone who has had chickens for ant length of time has occasionally had a bird that chooses to sleep somewhere other than on the roost.
She sleeps in the nest because that's where she's comfortable sleeping. Nothing more complex than that. Get over it.​
try the curtains, and when you sell eggs you don't want dirty eggs, would you buy a dirty egg and if you wash it you remove the bloom, when you do that bacteria can get in and theegg can go bad very fast, with hatching eggs its better not to wash, plus why do you want to clean poop out of a nest box all the time, yuk, I do not mind poop, I walk in my coop bare foot, squished between my toes
Their instinct is to roost as high as they can. Yes, it will be a pain, but consider renovating your coop; nest boxes under and roosts above. Try not to fight Mother Nature... she is one tough cookie and wins every time.

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