2 incubators set now to hatch a week apart in Novemeber

I will soon Chrissy. It takes two people to catch them and put them in a box and then count them as they are put back in the brooder. They are so active that is the only way to know. I don't want to just count them but also get a count of each of the 3 breeds we hatched. I've got one more I'm struggling to keep alive. It's not thriving as I give it highly concentrated sugar water. It can't hold its head up nor walk yet. I'm afraid that it has a birth defect. Its neck also has a sharp curve downward and it can't seem to raise its head to swallow the water with out help. It gets water every hour or so. I didn't think it would make it through the night last night but it surprised me. I keep it in the incubator surrounded by eggs that didn't hatch so that it doesn't waste energy rolling around the incubator. I don't know what else to do. If it makes it through tonight I'll start nutridrench along with sugar water in the morning.
I hope the little guy makes it. Have you ever dealt with wry neck? That's sorta what it sounds like, but I've never had a chick with it, so I'm not sure. :hugs
I hope the little guy makes it. Have you ever dealt with wry neck? That's sorta what it sounds like, but I've never had a chick with it, so I'm not sure. :hugs
I've been thinking the same about wry neck. I have never had one with it before but this sure looks like it to me now. I think that nutridrench is part of what they need to have. I'm not sure. To tired right now to do anything tonight beyond give him another round of sugar water. I made the solution ans concentrated as I could get it. I'm trying to get all the calories in him I can so he can have energy just to breath. He sure is loud with his cheeping so maybe it has helped. Ma's going to have to work the dropper while I hold him in the morning as I have enough of a tremor that I'd be afraid of drowning him with the dropper.
The last three had problems that they couldn't couldn't over come. We did everything we knew how to do and the last little one with wry neck died in his sleep last night. The next warm sunny day the incubators go out side for a thorough washing and cleaning so they will be ready for the next round of eggs. I think next time I'll do just Bresse and White Giant eggs in one and Dark Cornish in the other. After that Maybe both with RIR eggs for some started pullets to sell come spring and some fryers for the grill.

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