2 month old chicks with eyes swollen shut question


6 Years
Jun 11, 2013
Hi, I am new to posting so hope I am doing this correctly. Every one here is always so knowledgeable and helpful and I have found tons wonderful and informative advice on here from the experts!

I have had chickens all my life and never ever seen anything like this. I just bought some cream legbar chicks a few days ago in a mix of ages 6 weeks to 16 weeks old, 2 of which are bantam cross. I noticed immediately that one of the older pullets was acting drunk, weak and unbalanced, I looked her over good and found she was terribly infested with lice. She must have been like this for a while as I bet she doesn't weigh over a pound. I put 2 drops from an eyedropper of ivomec pour-on on all of the chicks except the 2 bantams and only used one drop on each of them. I thoroughly cleaned their pen and dusted with seven 5% on the ground of the pen (dirt and small sand/gravel) and racked it around a little then I put some clean straw down and added just a tiny bit of DE mixed into the straw. I noticed right after dosing them that one of the bantams decided to take a dust bath in the corner of the pen. This was 2 days ago and today this little gals eyes are so very badly swollen shut, as well as one of the other standard pullets. I would guess they both are approximately 6-8 weeks old. I thought maybe that the the ivomec, the sevin dust or even the DE which I have used these all before with no ill affects may have caused a reaction. I washed both of their eyes with a warm sterile saline solution (1 litre of water to 1/4 teaspoon salt). I used a q-tip to gently press on the swollen area of the bantams eyes and it looked like segments of tape worm (white, wide and flat) coming out of both eyes of the bantam. Then I treated her with Terramycin antibiotic ointment. The other pullets eyes were swollen almost shut but nothing came out of her eyes. I treated her exactly the same and quarantined them both. None of the other chicks seem to have any problems right now. Has anyone ever seen this before or have any idea what I am dealing with here. I have a beautiful healthy flock of layers and some new chicks. So this kind of thing is always a cause for worry. I do have these new girls all separated away from my flock but it still makes me nervous. Any advice would be much appreciated.
I believe I would take them all back if possible. It sounds as though they may have come with a respiratory disease such as MG or coryza. It will create carriers of all your flock, even if you treat the disease with antibiotics. Also make sure that you practice good biosecurity measures such as handwashing, changing clothes and shoes between them and the others. Here is a link about those and other respiratory diseases: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ps044
Eggcessive, thank you so much for the link... a lot of good info there. I sent the seller an email but have yet to hear back, hopefully they can shed some light on the situation. I am sure they were probably unaware of the problem.

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