2 new baby calls~ couple PICS


10 Years
Oct 30, 2009
Twin Lakes, Iowa (Manson)
i just got 2 new baby call ducks about 2 days old. They constantly pick their bottoms.. I let them soak in warm water and i think it made it worse.. they look fine and they seem to phoo okay,, I have NO clue.. help.. Im beginning to worry.
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Is it their bottoms- or around the navel area that they are picking? I can understand if they are itching around where the yolk gets absorbed into- as they can after have a small piece of dried up vein attached but it does seem a bit odd.
no its not their naval area... I just let them soak again for about 7 min.. they are preening but Heavy on the pooper area.. i put alittle vitamin E on it yesterday ??? they do quit long enough to sleep and they do play . i just dont see anything. Guess I need to just watch .. ???? maybe wash the area with baby shampoo to keep it clean.?
they are all preened now and he phooo'd fine.. but they still pick...




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