2 of my chickens finally squatted!!!

Some chickens are loungers and just hang out. She's not broody unless she displays other signs, such as puffing up, flattening down, growling/making tik tik tik sounds, and of course, wanting to stay overnight in the nest.
Ok good to know! She didn't growl when I picked her up and initially she wasn't in the box at all. But when she saw us picking out the egg she entered the nesting box then stayed there for over an hour until I removed her. But she didn't return to it so we're all good!
Found one egg again this morning first thing! Can't wait to get more than one a day!


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Paint me green with envy. I went an egg a day for just over a week, unable to determine (until the last day) which of my girls might be the culprit, and have now gone four days without... I have nearly a score of hens, almost half of which are now in the range when they might be expected to start laying (Week 23 for half the ducks, the comets, and the rainbows, week 19 for all the rest but the SLW)

Have locked them in the run on the chance that they are dropping eggs somewhere in 2 acre of pasture and forgetting them, and also to keep them from eating the 20#+ of rape (a kind of brassica), daikon, winter peas, and chicory seeds I scattered over the last two days. Its supposed to help break up the clay soils I have and provide some forage - but they were treating it as rather expensive scratch grains.

Pulling for your Easter Egger to get with the program!
Paint me green with envy. I went an egg a day for just over a week, unable to determine (until the last day) which of my girls might be the culprit, and have now gone four days without... I have nearly a score of hens, almost half of which are now in the range when they might be expected to start laying (Week 23 for half the ducks, the comets, and the rainbows, week 19 for all the rest but the SLW)

Have locked them in the run on the chance that they are dropping eggs somewhere in 2 acre of pasture and forgetting them, and also to keep them from eating the 20#+ of rape (a kind of brassica), daikon, winter peas, and chicory seeds I scattered over the last two days. Its supposed to help break up the clay soils I have and provide some forage - but they were treating it as rather expensive scratch grains.

Pulling for your Easter Egger to get with the program!
I'm clueless on the EE! She has barely any comb and she has always been a runner. Doesn't like to be held, although occasionally she comes up to my oldest boy when he's petting the other chickens. She's certainly approaching us a lot more lately since my other hens started squatting? But often when I reach out she runs again, so who knows. I figure, whatever, when a blue egg shows up I'll know!

I thought my barred rock would lay in a couple days but my son walked past and was holding a decoy egg from the nest! And I knew I left 4 eggs (I thought ceramic) in the nest. So I ran back out and sure enough there was a real one out there!

It was quite funny, I guess my son went and stole it this morning so I just assumed a real egg was fake when I did the afternoon nest check 😅
Caught my barred rock in the act today, but other than that she seems to be the only one who laid today.

So funny! Just when I got used to my little chicken friends they're so new and interesting again!

They are a lot friendlier now and follow me around now that they're laying. We hand raised them from day 1 so I was a little surprised that they often kept their distance from me. Now they chat away and follow me actively! And my barred rock rolls all the decoy eggs into one nest for her to sit on! It's super cute.

Love my chickens way more than I thought I would for sure!

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