2 of my chickens finally squatted!!!

be sure to keep us updated!
Definitely! My barred rock did a full squat today! So now 3 out of 4, honestly not sure about my Easter egger, she's a flighty one and has a habit of trying to be the crazy friend you're not sure about, lol. So we give Esther a bit of a wide birth unless we need to peck her back haha. But no worries there because if I see a colored egg I'll know the culprit!

Tick tock!

We have a handy man helping us with our backyard projects, he loves the chickens. I told him, one more week I think! He said, "no. No eggs, you don't have a husband for them! No husband no eggs."

So now we have a friendly bet going 😜
Woohoo! My buff crawled into the nesting box when I was pulling this one out (and unburying the fake eggs they buried when laying this egg). So maybe she's the culprit? But I'd think it's my black Australorp because her comb turned red first? Not sure! My barred rock is squatting too now!


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We have a handy man helping us with our backyard projects, he loves the chickens. I told him, one more week I think! He said, "no. No eggs, you don't have a husband for them! No husband no eggs."

So now we have a friendly bet going 😜

He's going to lose that bet. He should have thought a bit more about biology before saying that. "No Husband, no chicks" is the wiser quote. Also, "No Husband, No problem with the HOA". (or at least, fewer problems...)
Update: successfully removed her from the nesting box!


Ummm, ok, finally got that egg, but now I have a new question.

Would my buff go broody this quick?!

She's laying where the egg was and won't get out?
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