2 Roosters?


10 Years
Apr 11, 2009
High Springs, Florida
I have only been on here since this morning and I have already posted several questions, hope I aint getting on anyones nerves yet. LOL! But heres one more, will 2 roos raised together since hatching fight if kept together with hens or should they be seperated... Ive been told both yes and no. I would like to hear some personal expieriences on this.
I have two roo's running with my hens, one is the top guy and the other is always low man on the totem pole but they do okay they don't fight all the time. I have two other roo's that are kept in a pen by themselfs because when all 4 run with the hens it is too much. They wear the backs out on the hen and constantly fight to the point of serious injury.
I had two roos raised together and had enough hens for both of them. I thought my flock was fine. The boys never fought, other than the alpha kicking his subordinate off a hen now and then. Then I gave away my alpha. My flock instantly seemed more at peace.
yeah, it depends on the bird, i have heard of roo's raised up together from chicks and getting along fine, one will always be more dominant then the other, if they have problems separate them if they don't you can leave them together, it all depends on the bird
I had 7 roosters (4 silkies, 3 sebrights) that have lived together since I received them in the male. Right now I only have 5 of them and two of the sebrights will fight if given the chance while they're alone. They draw a little blood which is why i'm trying to find homes for them. The silkies however hate the sebrights and will chase them if they crow or do anything they don't like.
A good dominant rooster will have no need to attack his subordinates all the time, our dominant ones only need to walk over or glare at the other to get them to move along...
I know what you mean. When my receptionist tells me the mail is here, I say, but what about the femail.
I know what you mean. When my receptionist tells me the mail is here, I say, but what about the femail.

Oh woops..
I didn't realize I put "male" instead of "mail"
Good one Mahonri! I guess since we're talking about roosters and all
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I HAD 2 SLW roos. They didn't fight at all with each other, but would gang up on the other roo and If one of them caught a hen, the other would have the same hen next. They were not very polite to the hens and that is why we now only have 1 roo that is a BO. He is very good with the girls.

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