2 week old chick with diarrhea


9 Years
Jul 21, 2010
I have a 2 week old with diarrhea. she is behaving normally, eating, drinking etc. The consistancy changes in the poo. Sometimes it is loose and other times it seems to have a bit of liquid (clear) in it. I've not noticed a lot of white in it, about the same amount as the others. I think this is the same chick that in the begining was having undigested food in her poo.... the poo looked different than the others, and upon inspection i saw that it had small bits of the feed in it (they have the medicated chick starter) and water with vitamins and electolytes. All the other chicks are fine. Is she just having digestion issues that are trying to find center? She does not appear ill at all, should i seperate her?
if no one wants to answer.....can someone at least point me to a post that might help??? thanks!
Sounds totally normal to me. When its hot they have loose stools. They drink twice as much. I'd only be concerned if there was blood in it.
thanks! would you believe i've not seen any today! it is like when you have a toothache and get to the dentist and it is all gone! I was worried for days and finally ask and she stops! silly chicken!
Hello! There are actually two types of normal poo for a chicken. The normal looking black poo with white around it, and then there's the diahrrea looking kind.....it's a rusty brown color, very runny and stinky. It's called cecal droppings and it's perfectly normal for you to see some of that every day. It is stinky though...and my chicks all seem to do it when they're excited......
Hello! There are actually two types of normal poo for a chicken. The normal looking black poo with white around it, and then there's the diahrrea looking kind.....it's a rusty brown color, very runny and stinky. It's called cecal droppings and it's perfectly normal for you to see some of that every day. It is stinky though...and my chicks all seem to do it when they're excited......
This was needed information. We are new to chicks. I have seen the exact two types of poo.
Too funny that that may be an excitement response!!! We have lots of diarrhea poop when chicks are being held and loved!

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