He needs a starter, finishers are for grown ducklings, which need less proteins; probably finisher pellets/crumbles have also a bigger size than starter feed
oh my.... I cant seem to find this on amazon.. I am seeing a lot of chick feed which I have read that is not ideal for ducks... so I really dont know what to get..... and thats what I thought too... these seem to be too big for little ducky..

what about mealworms..? or are those categorised as treats too..

what about this one..? : https://smile.amazon.co.uk/Allen-Pa...ywords=duckling+starter&qid=1616542449&sr=8-9

thanks a lot and so sorry for hassle
Here feed stores have always been open because animals have to eat, too. I think that's the same for where you live.
I will check for animal feed stores near me in London tomorrow morning I pray that there will be some that are open, fingers crossed. and gave him the tiniest but of paracetamol in his water for the night I pray he will survive until then..
oh my.... I cant seem to find this on amazon.. I am seeing a lot of chick feed which I have read that is not ideal for ducks... so I really dont know what to get..... and thats what I thought too... these seem to be too big for little ducky..

what about mealworms..? or are those categorised as treats too..

what about this one..? : https://smile.amazon.co.uk/Allen-Pa...ywords=duckling+starter&qid=1616542449&sr=8-9

thanks a lot and so sorry for hassle
No, you can't give him only mealworms. Only a couple as a treat
You can use chick feed if you don't find anything else. But you have to be absolutely sure that it's not medicated, it is toxic for ducks.
No, you can't give him only mealworms. Only a couple as a treat
You can use chick feed if you don't find anything else. But you have to be absolutely sure that it's not medicated, it is toxic for ducks.
thank you so much for this info !! I am still looking for something
yeah, pretty much DIY'd it....in a cardboard box and had a heat source on him, with dry grass etc he was pretty normal over the past week, even his poop seemed healthy, until today..
Does it have a brooder where it lives, with a heat source?
yeah, pretty much DIY'd it....in a cardboard box and had a heat source on him, with dry grass etc he was pretty normal over the past week, even his poop seemed healthy, until today..
Well, of course, get the proper feed asap but you can feed him some cooked egg. I have poultry vitamins on hand. There is a recipe here for electrolyte water for poultry, but alternatively you could provide Gatorade. I have also given a teaspoon of acv mixed with a litre of water.
No, you can't give him only mealworms. Only a couple as a treat
You can use chick feed if you don't find anything else. But you have to be absolutely sure that it's not medicated, it is toxic for ducks.
could I maybe give him this but kind it up a little:


but add in some of the brewer yeast/niacin b3 thing with it too? .. I am searching for this on amazon but it says either caps for humans, or for dogs or for plants... its confusing

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