*2009 Quilt Block of the Month* March

Awh heck, can't stand it!

Add me for 1 block and Felicity for 1 block.

amyquilt-chicken theme
Felicity (amyquilt's DD) - blue, green, yellow - horses and/or chickens

We'll probably pick up more in April, though.
ACRE, could I PLEASE be removed from the first person below SE
ACRE, could I PLEASE be removed from the first person below SE

ROTFLMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And you say this after I spent an entire evening cutting out a chicken in marlin fabric, lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not going to show you ahead of time though but it's c-u-t-e!!!!!!!!! It'll be a surprise!!! Jody & Acre's too..no pics..SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can someone please explain to me about the labels everyone is talking about?

Now I am really dating myself by saying this, but when I said I wanted the name on my block I was thinking of the person writing their name discreetly in the corner and I could embroider it in.

What is everyone else doing with their "labels"?

Yes....I really am 150 years old!


ETA: Acres, Could you take off the "Name Tag On Block" part of my preferences and I'll just embroider the persons BYC moniker onto the blocks myself. THANKS!!!
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Some people have labels from past sewing projects. Here’s a couple sites that were listed in last month’s swap thread, (which is SO big! We sure had fun with that didn’t we?) www.label-land.com/ and www.nameonlabels.com/ .

I myself ordered the ‘Bubble Jet Set’ kit from this place http://www.cjenkinscompany.com/ and am printing out my own labels to send with the blocks, I’m sending the label seperate to let the recipient decide where and how they want it on the block after that… but I think it’s not necessary, just if you want to!

None of this is supposed to be overly complicated or expensive, use what you have and have fun otherwise is my thinking. I'm so enjoying all the chat and fun back and forth, as well as dusting off my sewing machine and digging out my scrap stash!!
Texas did a really cool thing with the block she sent me..in tiny print she wrote her name on the inside seam on the back of the square with a fine point permanent marker..very cool!!!
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