*2009 Quilt Block of the Month* March

Great block Leepsy! It says SPRING all over it!
Pretty colours.
You are so welcome! Thanks, ladies. Between this swap and the other block swap, I am learning so much about quilt blocks.

I saved a little of the gold and chicks fabric so I can make me a couple of extra blocks for the final project.

I wish you all could have been at the quilt show and craft festival in my town last Saturday. There were quilts lining the streets and some hanging inside the places of business. There were so many beautiful quilts, new and really old. I mean 1800's old. It was quite a day.

Kycklinger - got your block today - I Love it!!!!!!!!! I also like the lil extra chick ornament! Thanks!
It might become the centerpeice for my quilt...

My block came in the mail today from Leepsy!

I love it and will post a picture of it soon!

Thanks so much Beverly!
Wow, kycklingar! You keep kycking it up a notch....That is really nice! Do you have a pattern I may borrow?

I don't have the knack for just looking at it I need a piece of paper with measurement thingys on it.
It looks like the eggs and maybe the star is applique'd ?
Actually, I got the original pattern from quilterscache.com. It was a basket with star. That part is all pieced, not applique. However, it looked empty (and wasn't chicken themed!) so I added the applique eggs.

I think it's my favorite so far.

on a completely (or not at all) unrelated note,
I GOT 2 NEW CHICKS TODAY!!!!!!! I'm not supposed to increase my flock here in the city, but my roo/hen ratio was terrible, so I did sex-links this time

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