*2009 Quilt Block of the Month* March

You probably don't need it, Jean, but Good Luck!
I got all my blocks done for this swap

Now I can get them to their destination

I kept the fact that Spring starts today,
so I made Spring blocks

Now I can get started on BYCville blocks
Ok, I think I may cheat this month... things are crazy and it's going to be tough to get my blocks done in time. However, I have some blocks I made for the Quilted Rooster swap (I made duplicates of the ones I sent out, but I got some of my blocks back in the swap). Is anyone going to be upset if I use some of those? They're 9 patch blocks, they're all chicken themed, and I still made them...
I agree Beth, no one will mind in fact those blocks were great and I wish I had gotten in on that swap and look forward to someone doing another 9 patch swap like that ..so send the ones you have

Ya Now I have something to look forward to in the mail besides a bill.

Thanks Chuck and SE! That makes me feel better.
The block swap isn't stressful, but life kind of has been this month! lol. I REALLY was looking forward to making my blocks because it would be some nice down time, but I just haven't had the time to do it. I made one block, but since I was in a hurry, I made some mistakes, and I had the tear it apart.

you guys!!!
I do not think that would be a good Idea, I think you should send those blocks to me I will keep them out of circulation here in a safe quilt so you will not be tempted to try this sending chicken themed blocks again.(I meant to say in a safe place, not quilt what was I thinking

Yes send them out,

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