*2009 Quilt Block of the Month* March

Man,! You ladies make me feel horrible for not checking in like I'm supposed to! hehehe
We're still here, in town, in trailor. I get to do laundry and have puter time twice a week, at mom's house. lol
Still have our big furniture (couch, beds, dressers, desks) at the house, getting it moved this week sometime, wind's been harsh for a couple of weeks.
We're at the trailor now. After having it moved to three different lots, we've been set into the spot behind the owner's house.. so, is that a good or a bad thing? I know in school it was a bad thing to sit next to the teacher's desk..

We're doing good. Alyssa had her spring break last week, so that meant I had no time to even pee without some kid in my ear going.. MOMMY!!!!!!
I got my mom's machine out last week from storage, now to see if it works or not.. It's never been used, brand new 197-something-ish dressmaker?

Thanks for caring about us
I really appreciate it!
Wow. Gumpsgirl, really nice blocks. I haven't quilted in 7 years, now I'm doing blocks again. I'm still working hard on getting my seams to match up, and a single block is taking me 4 hours, no joke. I am so rusty. This is good for me to get it going again.
I actually just started quilting the beginning of Feb. and LOVE it! It is so much fun and I find it is a good way for me to relax. My sewing machine is also appreciating the workout!

I'm sure your seams matching up is just fine! Mine are far from perfect, but are getting there.
I'm so glad you like it Darlene! It didn't come out perfect, but it is done and special just for you.
Wow Stacey I am like Scrambled, lucky me I just can't wait for my block. Thanks for posting the pic as photocrap has not been downloading for me no matter how hard I try.

Beth I am so glad you liked your block, Scrambled like hers as well I haven't heard if Thowe got hers or not. I would really be glad if you post a picture as photobucket hates me.

Skand I am so glad you checked in and that you, Jim and the girls are doing ok even if you are in the hot seat (LOL) by being behind the owners house. I made you a block and seeing as I know that the girls are always trying to take yours I made them each one as well. If you PM me your address I will get them in the mail for you and those girls.

Glad you checked in with us.

Marlin she will put you on the steps again if you don't watch out LOL.

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