**2009 Quilt Block Swap for May**

First I want to say. Thank you Nanakat, it is lovely!!! I got it in the mail 2 days ago.

I finally finished the blocks so here they are...

This one is for Calicokat


These 2 are for Ginbart



I know they are not perfect but I am proud of them since these are my first non-nine blocks. Ginbart and Calico let me know if these are to your liking. I will send them out Monday.
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oops, I just realized that you addressed me about the block! Of course that scheme will work for me - I love it! I did make a comment on it, just didn't realize the last sentence!
duh! I would love one like that! Thank you!
17Roses, they are beautiful. I love them.
You really did a great job. I can't wait to get them but I don't think they will go out on Monday it's Memorial day. Mine are going out tomorrow if the mail lady stopes. If I have no incomimg mail she will not stop to pick my outgoing mail.

Well I'm soooooo tired I need to go to bed. Goodnight all.

I wish I could take pics of mine but my camera is not working.
zookeeper---I've been a slacker this month (gardening, no rain FINALLY!!!) I will post a pick of your block sometime this weekend and put it in the mail box.

Sorry for the delay (to busy playing in the mudd),

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