2010 What Do You Want Added To The BYC Forum & WebSite?

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BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
Some of our old timers may remember that we had one of these threads going right after the re-launch of www.BackyardChickens.com and from all the discussions and ideas we implemented some really great stuff, for example:

• Private Messaging
• Chat
• BYC Member Pages
• Better coop design organization
• Image uploading
• Updated chicken breed section
• And a TON more!

Well, it's been a few years since we started that other discussion so I thought we should start another to flesh out what our members want added to BYC.

We can't promise if, how, or when stuff will be added, but we do want to make sure that things are added based on the following:

1) Overall positive effect on community
2) Cost and difficulty of implementation
3) Effect on site performance

So, let's brainstorm ideas on features you want added to BYC Website and Community Forum.

NOTE: We want this to be a constructive discussion, so please keep the ideas and comments positive and in the tone of helping make BYC better with more helpful features, pages, tools, etc. Also, let's keep the discussion on topic and the chatter to a minimum so we can make this thread as useful and focused as possible.

Thanks and let the brainstorming BEGIN!!!
I agree on the flock management tool, that would be so useful and handy to have right here on our favorite BYC site.
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Another way to let a person leave feedback rather than having to purchase through the BST area. I sold several batches of hatching eggs in the Crazy 24 Hour Thread, and can't get that positive feedback added to mine.
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