
Nope. I do not believe that the world will end in 2012. I think everyone is completely freaking out over nothing (Remember y2k? or the metetor that was supposed to kill us all in 1997? etc etc) As someone already mentioned, the bible says that the He will be like a thief in the night, that no one will know the exact time or day of it. That is the only end-time "theory" I believe in, personally
i really don't know what may happen on 2012 maybe God will take a breack and let Jesus take over maybe God may have antoer son/draught or Jesus will have a kifd of his own
i think something will happen in 2012 maybe a anther 'The Great Drepponds' (if thats how it spelled) may (which i won't mind but sort do with the other one before it) football go back to nobody know what it is and horse racing make a huge co-back and well i nocite that in the dark ages after the fall of rome there was war durning the great dreppson/s WW2 something bads happen something worse like war and hofeful that's mean less citys and more crounty land to claim back
(my piont of veiw and somethings i hear and i do love that i live in the USA i'm just saying) because the USA isn't that free cause all the blood that was spilled for it the native(i have some in my blood) were here first but we made them move and killed alot then people in D.C how come they in all the money. Asia well China propply going to real the world one day and have tons of slaves. Eupore i heared (storetybes i hear) they let their kids drink
. Afican/Ausstila we are in war with them plus i love a horse breed that they have.
so maybe in 2012 maybe WW3 will breack out
or anther GD or the world will end then we get up and have bretfast and i'll get a bunny rabitit
and more chicks
and for radomenesss
I agree with several of the posters so far for several reasons. First, I dont believe in any of it or any doomsday belief. Our death as a planet will be slow as our sun expands before it turns into a red giant star and boils everything off our planet. Second, I do think that people these days think there are so many more happenings that point to the end of the world because we actually hear about them now. All of these events have been occuring for eons and it is only with the advent of the modern media do we now know when these things are happening.
Thirdly, the Mayans were a very intelligent people and their calendar is/ or was a defined era calendar. It had a beginning and an end. The Aztec calendar was copied from this model as well. Ive studied alot about the Aztecs and the Mayans to a certain degree, they were very similar in many ways. Each year had a name within the cycle, not to dissimilar to the Chinese year of the dog, cat, etc. At the end of each Calendar cycle each year and each 52 year cycles end, the Aztecs would distinguish all fire throughout the entire empire for three days. To start the new era, they would sacrifice victims, tear out their hearts and start a new fire with the hearts and an optical stone and then spread the new fire throughout the kingdom. The power of their calendar and its effects upon people are very real. When Moctezuma II heard of strangers arriving on the shores of Mexico he was appalled because the return of one of their gods, Quetzacoatl was predicted in a specific year....THAT year....called the year One Reed, thats why initial response to Cortez was so confusing because if he had realized it was a true invader he would have wiped him out long before he gained a stronghold with the Aztecs enemies. So although the truth of the calendar may be skewed, its effects upon the living can have great implications upon their actions.
Good lord, I am such a nerd.
that is debatable. Often the conquistadors as well as other explorers and conquerers claimed some society or another practices ritual sacrifice or cannibalism, on top of it archeology is largely guess work, and often theories on how an ancient society behaved is overturned again and again as new archeologists come along and put their own interpretations of artifacts.

I am not saying it didn't happen, it is quite possible due to the large amount of evidence, though it could also be ritualized executions of criminals and war prisoners as well which would make them no different from other cultures, but I take claims of sacrifice and such, even widely accepted ones like that of the Mayans, with a grain of salt, due largely to the over zealous superiority complex of early archeology (and sometimes modern archeology. ) coupled with dubious reports from questionable sources of people seeking to conquer or Christianize a culture.

Much of what archeology talks about as fact is actually theories (I use to volunteer a lot with a traveling museum ran by an archeologist and learned quite a bit about this)
Kristy, you may think I wrote that in some sort of judgemental fashion. Which I did not. I understand the Aztecs very well, they are a perfect example of primitive, animistic religions based upon things important to their lives. The Aztecs sacrificed for specific reasons, all involving their gods. Most of this information comes from Aztec history that we have learned. Not from Spanish re-writings of what they were appalled by. Blood to the Aztecs was the most important aspect of life.......they believed that if a blood debt was not paid to the gods, the sun itself would not come up each day. They executed their enemies most. That is the reason why when the Spanish showed up so many neighboring tribes joined with the Spanish. They were tired of having their populations raided for prisoners to take back to be executed at some point. If you would like for me to list their main gods and the blood debts or sacrifices were needed to be given to them I can, but there were alot of gods...haha.....the main two were Huitzilipochtli, the God of the Sun and War and Tlaloc the God of Water. Their temples were on top of the main pyramid in Tenochtitlan.
I find their culture very interesting, would love to go to the Templo Mayor in Mexico City someday and of course would like to go to Teotihucuan. i cast no stones at their beliefs or practices, however brutal they may have seemed to us. It was an integral part of their culture. Is it so different than the games of Roman Colliseum and its brutality in the name of entertainment?
Anyways.....Kristy...you wanna talk Aztecs I am more than welcome to do so. Most of what I read lately is various accounts of their history from many points of view. Interesting stuff.
I guess my thoughts are-what does it really matter? Does anyone have a way to stop it? Obviously not, so why worry about it? I think we should live everyday to the fullest and just be happy. Tomorrow can worry about itself

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