2015 HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long, Join us IF YOU DARE!

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I'm so excited for everyone! I look forward to all the updates from today and through the weekend.

My two chicks from earlier this week will be the only hatchers here. I candled the questionable Brabanter yesterday because I feared explosion. At 20 days it was not developed past about a 14 day expectation. I thought I saw the other one wiggle so I left it. Today is Day 21 and I was doubting whether or not I saw wiggles. I just candled and it too is no longer living (it was not moving, the dark mass was not chick shaped - almost an S and stuck to the side- there was no discernable body- it did not fill the shell, and veins that were visible at day 18 were dark and the whole thing looked rotten). I'm going to chalk this up to a learning experience and move on. Puppy and Kitten are great additions and I will work on the next additions in the spring. I'll probably work from my flock for now. None will be pure chicks, but that's okay with me. Puppy and Kitten better pull their weight around here (which isn't much) because they were expensive additions. They've overcome poor odds so they should be strong. Haha.

I look forward to painting faces tonight.
If you have a herding breed dog, you may want to test for the MDR-1 gene mutation before exposing to Ivermectin. Washington State University does the test: http://vcpl.vetmed.wsu.edu

Pretty sure all collies have the mutation, it's the one that causes the white stocking on the paws right? Been a while since kennel tech training so I forget.

Our Internet was shut off and we're switching providers. Missed the past what, four days? Can't be arsed to catch up lol. Since folks are sharing dogs I'll show off my pedegree pups.


Nico and Jäger, the rough collies. They're related through the sand-color's mother (the blue merle's grandmother). Long line of show dog stock, though the sand-color has a resperatory issue and is unsuitable for breeding. Nico (the blue) is perfectly fine, but we have no desire to breed our dogs because of lack of expertise in what is desirable for breed standard (same reason I don't breed birds or sell egg).

Other than puppies what have I missed?
Called my last 3 eggs last night. Candled they had zero movement when cracked the egg they had fully developed but at some point between lockdown and hatch they had passed.
Final count 20 chicks
4 wellsummers 1 boy 3 girls
4 barred rocks
4 white chick from mystery eggs that could be either silkies mottled orphingyons or splash
4 super mixes
1 buff
1 black sex link and it's a roo
2 easter eggers
Took me a full day to figure out exactly what hatched. I started with 33 9 clears and 1 broke but this was a last minute hatch idea so i wasnt keeping up with who's eggs were who's so I had to get a good look at them once they all dried completely to tell. I wish you all the best on your hatches maybe I'll see you in the thanksgiving hatch a long since I've decided to do another batch I'll be setting Thursday.
all work here.
I sell to local people through craigslist. Ive sold 4 and have 2 older ones left and my 6 ovtober babies still

Craigslist is great!!! I've sold all mine that have hatched and as of today ...............I have orders for ones that have not hatched..............trying to shove that "don't count your chickens before they hatch" out of my brain lol
Congrats on the pips, chirping sounds, and hatches! I have some going into lock down come Sat. I think I will go ahead and put them in my other bator tonight down on their sides from the turner. Then, will candle and see how things are looking. The air cells looked better than before when I took a few out last week..was thinking thinking they weren't big enough, but they are better.

Here are a few photos of the little cuties I just hatched.

They're sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo CUTE!!!!
I locked down my one egg yesterday. Candled it before I did really quick & he was moving very little... Now, I candled through the clear top & no movement. Nothing. I hope it's okay.

Today is day 19. Out of curiousity, how late do ya'll leave your eggs? 5 days past due or more?

Day 19 is just the start..........
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