2015 HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long, Join us IF YOU DARE!

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Question: We haven't tried incubating our chicken eggs yet. Thinking this next Spring. Our rooster is a bantam Frizzle (black
Just thought I'd share with you a picture of one of our roosters. He only happened because I got all crazy with setting all eggs during the Easter Hatch A Long :/ I needed another rooster like a hole in the head! Anyways, he is the offspring of my Ameraucana hen and my black frizzle rooster. Doesn't help with your question, just thought you'd like to see him! :D He is a little aggressive with people, but is so, so wonderful with the hens, that he is tolerable. Straight feathered, but super soft with leg feathers.
He's beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Was he your only hatch from that union? No hens? One problem I have with my hens' eggs is except for Goldie's and my Diva's eggs (Diva is my newest cutie-pic below), I have no idea which of my other 3 hens lays what. All my other eggs are brown except one is what I'd call a light pink. My other hens are a Delaware, Australorpe & Barred Rock. Frizzle's 2 main squeezes are the Australorpe and Barred Rock. I will have to see if Goldie's eggs are even fertile. She and Hazel, my Delaware, are never bare of feathers; and Diva will not allow Frizzle near her ever.
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We were told she is an Americauna, but someone recently on one of the forums said she's an EE. I have no idea what a Cochin is. Here's a pic.The hen is the blue or gray one, whichever you'd prefer to call her coloring. I call her blue and she (Goldie) is on the far right. Frizzle, our roo, is in the middle behind the feeder. We bought him from a local feed store. If you can tell 100% about both, I'd love to know the correct breed too:) The old man we bought Goldie from is who we also bought our ducks from. He thought the ducks were mallards. I learned on the duck forum they are WH., so as with the ducks, he may have made a mistake on Goldie's breedtoo. Thanks:)
Do you think you could get a Better picture of her? And maybe the rooster too
No it will only make the condition worse. Just think of it like these if you got stung by a bee ant spider and you where allergic to it. With every infection put into the body. The body dies quicker. There's no cue for it. Just preventions .and trying to slow it down. All they can do is treat it . Meds and surgery . Diabetics thyroid tumors bladder disease bowel disease kidneys immune cholesterol. Ect. It attack movement lungs brain activity . Ect.

I am not a medical professional and my advice isn't worth the time taken reading it...

As a child I had a horrible allergy to all grass plants (corn, lawn grasses, crabgrass, etc). I'd break out in hives, my throat would swell shut, I had to take tons of antihistamines and wear a pollen mask from March through October. One option was to move to the desert, away from all grasses. So my parents moved to the country, to a farm, with fallow hayfields full of grass and weeds, and next to a horse farm that had thousands of bales of hay brought in on a regular basis. I was stuck inside the house, miserable...but my love for horses took me next door, where I went to work, eventually unloading hay trucks. After weeks of heavy, continuous exposure, my grass allergy gradually declined. I get a 15 minute contact dermatitis reaction if I walk through a cornfield now, but nothing worse.

I was also severely allergic to beestings, but when I was stung earlier this year in the eyelid I had hardly any reaction.

I had a bunch of less-than-lethal food allergies that kept me from eating strawberries, citrus, nuts, tomatoes...all gone.

I can only say that whatever happened, avoiding the things that I was allergic to did not make me less allergic, exposure did, much like the allergy shots given (I hate needles so I avoided those!).
We were told she is an Americauna, but someone recently on one of the forums said she's an EE. I have no idea what a Cochin is. Here's a pic.The hen is the blue or gray one, whichever you'd prefer to call her coloring. I call her blue and she (Goldie) is on the far right. Frizzle, our roo, is in the middle behind the feeder. We bought him from a local feed store. If you can tell 100% about both, I'd love to know the correct breed too:) The old man we bought Goldie from is who we also bought our ducks from. He thought the ducks were mallards. I learned on the duck forum they are WH., so as with the ducks, he may have made a mistake on Goldie's breedtoo. Thanks:)

The hen on the left does not have a pea comb and has large wattles, which would mean not Ameraucana. But better photos will help, for sure.
We were told she is an Americauna, but someone recently on one of the forums said she's an EE. I have no idea what a Cochin is. Here's a pic.The hen is the blue or gray one, whichever you'd prefer to call her coloring. I call her blue and she (Goldie) is on the far right. Frizzle, our roo, is in the middle behind the feeder. We bought him from a local feed store. If you can tell 100% about both, I'd love to know the correct breed too:) The old man we bought Goldie from is who we also bought our ducks from. He thought the ducks were mallards. I learned on the duck forum they are WH., so as with the ducks, he may have made a mistake on Goldie's breedtoo. Thanks:)
Well, he's not a typical frizzle, that's for sure. Usually frizzles (from hatcheries) are Cochins, or Cochin mixes. He might be a frizzled Naked Neck.
Goldie is an Easter Egger.
A Coachin has feathered legs, a bantum can also be Frizzled. They are us3eually low to the ground short backed without much of a tail but the rooster has a smallish tail compaired to other roosters.
My head is spinning trying to keep up please bear with me. Trying to do two many things at once. We still have the 30 dozen in the laundry room I don't have anywhere to put them. Approximately at room temp 80 we air on. If it takes 21 days tell incubation . We our losing a bunch of eggs. And they have never hatched .all at once for me. One litter two two weeks.for 4.we a vet looking at 3. Because we kept losing baby's .
A Coachin has feathered legs, a bantum can also be Frizzled. They are us3eually low to the ground short backed without much of a tail but the rooster has a smallish tail compaired to other roosters.

Some of my cochins (to illustrate your descriptions):


That is a pile of juvenile lf cochins dust bathing.


A pair of bantam mille fleur cochins.
Pro serie incubator currently at 1 zoology hydrometer 60 humidity temp -100. On left side. Right side zoology hydrometer 65 humidity 100.1 everything on
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