2015 HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long, Join us IF YOU DARE!

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So hubby just asked if fridge eggs are fertilized or not. I told him yeah, they tend to be since we buy freerange organic ones when the girls aren't laying. I consistently find "bullseyes" when i crack the eggs from the store. and most eggs in our area are freerange or cage-free organic because people are passing laws to outlaw caging and such.

He said I should try hatching some when we get into a house. Oh dear, I may have a second hatching addict in the family!
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On day 16 did my day 14 candle last night because of all my Turner issues I was having I just forgot. Of the 33 eggs I set 24 are thriving. Of those 15 are from my own girls 5 are welsummer I got from a local farmer and 4 are mystery eggs from the same farmer.



Lockdown time for my eggs! Expecting them to hatch Sunday. 6 out of 7 are still in! I am super excited. Its been a couple months since I've had babies.

I am thinking I might save for Svart Hona eggs in the spring instead of getting an order of hatchery chicks. Chicks in the mail is the most stressful experience I've had in chicken keeping so far.

My chickens almost died last night!!!!!!
My dog was barking so I got my torch looked into the darkness and saw a fox.
So I ran with my dog after the fox then I remembered I DIDN'T LOCK UP MY CHICKENS!!!!
But they were all alright.
I almost forgot to lock ours up too!!!! and then I forgot to let them out this morning!! I now have rooster crowing alarms set on my cell!!! Thank goodness nothing got in there!! on both accounts!!!!

I'll keep you updated! The egg color will probably be some sort of olive, since my CCL is laying minty green eggs and the cemanis lay a cream to tan egg.

The pullet has since laid three more eggs, which I am sorely tempted to incubate, but with my broodies already having 37 eggs between them, I really don't need to! But I will in the spring - having sex links will be useful.

Quick question. My incubator issues have been extraordinary this round. Should I be prepared for assisting hatchers? There are saddle air cells on the two that just went to lockdown tonight. I'm usually a meddler. The LG is stable at 99 F and 65% RH.
dont ever prepare for assisting, you should always have that on hand, but you know which eggs you need to watch after the good eggs have hatched. yes??? and you have read the assist guide and you know not too assist too soon or trying to candle during lockdown :( whats gone terrible wrong again that is causing you to fret besides those few air cells?

Thanks! What is lockdown humidity again? I can't remember.
depends on what those air cells look like at lockdown ???

Finally got my brinsea mini to properly turn my eggs. SHEESH! The trick was to make sure they were perfectly horizontal with the widest part of the egg touching the bottom. I was hand turning three of them every day and kept fiddling with them to get them all to turn and now I did it! Woo-hoo!
seriously? are your eggs really big? do alot of people have this issue? I am glad you have it figured out!
I have 5 of 7 Littlepeddler Black Copper Marans appearing to be viable at day 14. Not bad for shipped eggs. Some are very dark eggs but I can see definite movement in 4.
I need advice. I have bantam/large fowl cross eggs set due at the end of the month. I am finding mixed info on lock down day and humidity. Should I lock down on day 17 a day early since the are bantam crosses? What should I shoot for as far as humidity? I've been running around 30% and my air cells look great. Temps have been about 100. No higher than 101 and no lower than 99. They were set 10-13.
I typically raise my humidity to about 65% day 18 lockdown if my air cells are on target, but sometimes I will adjust that number if the air cells demand a change in it, say I lost a tad too much weight I will take it say to 75%! AGAIN HUMDIITY is never a set number EVEN DAY 18/19 you can still use those days to help with weight, but use those days cautiously! Remember also, when chicks start hatching it will go up into 70's 80's and even into 90's and dont worry about it, not a big deal, wet chicks will cause it!

I'll lower it a bit in the morning. It was at 50 without the sponge. 65 with it. I guess I'll cut the sponge in half. The lavender ameraucana egg has a living chick in it right now. It is wiggly. After all this... maybe...
use your air cells to figure out what number you need! only you know what they look like sweetie!

Oh Sally! I love your SaLoon!! Yeah, I wish my family could bring you my avatar roo! Or any of my other birds!! Love how you cross dressed and blinged out that roo....

Here are my eggs...13 good d'Uccles, I replaced a couple that had blood rings very early on though. 3 out of 4 Seramas, and 6 of my little EE bantam eggs.
a couple of them I added a few days later... So most should hatch on Halloween with a few stragglers hatching later.

Thank you!!!
you get such good images too! I got that LG4 that is supposed to have THE BEST camera and it horrible!
duccles lay white eggs? or tan? no Sally no more breeds I have bantam dark cornish I am growing out I dont know where to go with !!!! ughhh I guess I need to eat them

He's relaxed & waiting patiently...
I pray he is nice to the baby stinker!!
serama roos are little boogers!

OMG!!! So adorable!!!

And sooo spoiled!

I thought Lady Grey was spoiled when she was little, lol...

ach du gut
you make me feel so guilty for selling all my silkies

Dang right!

But you'd spoil this little egg machine too!

6 eggs in 6 days... she skipped laying the 2nd day, but laid 2 on the 3rd day...

Hope everyone's hatches are doing good!

Every single shipped egg from MPC is developing so far.
THATS AWESOME!!!! @MyPetChicken

On day 16 did my day 14 candle last night because of all my Turner issues I was having I just forgot. Of the 33 eggs I set 24 are thriving. Of those 15 are from my own girls 5 are welsummer I got from a local farmer and 4 are mystery eggs from the same farmer.

sweet! great images!!!

I have 5 of 7 Littlepeddler Black Copper Marans appearing to be viable at day 14. Not bad for shipped eggs. Some are very dark eggs but I can see definite movement in 4.
not bad at all!!

Go chickies

3 lav amerucaunas hatched so far, 1 lav orp. The other 2 orp eggs have pipped. I can't tell on the other lav amer because it's rolled the wrong way.
Hatch day! 3 pips out of 40 eggs so far. I JUST heard chirping finally. It seriously feels like christmas. This is our second hatching attempt. First one did not go well at all (no survivors). When we candled them at day 18 before lockdown we had 36 wiggling chicks. I just really hope we get some fuzzballs for my kids to see when they get home from school. Fingers crossed!!! Im like a nervous new mommy!
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