2015 New York Chickenstock

I Can bring ..Day Lilies $5.00 ea Maroon yellow center

Purple Cone flowers- $5.00 - 2 year plants

Spearmint , Comfrey , 3.00 a small bunch
$ 5.00 Day Lilies several other colors
, creamsicle , yellow - stella Doro , Peach ...maroon center
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Here is an updated Price on Chicks I will have available for Chickenstock along with what ones need to be preordered and by when.
Cornish X broilers
for week old or younger $2 each
2 weeks old $3.50each
3 week old $5.50each
4 weeks old $7.00 each

Freedom Rangers week old or younger $1.75 each
2 weeks old $2.75 each
3 weeks old $3.75 each
4 weeks old $4.75 each

Broad Breasted Turkeys Preorder
Up to 1 Week old $5.50
2 weeks Old $6.50
3Weeks old $7.50
4 Weeks od $8.50

Pearl Guinea Chicks _ Straight Run Preorder

Ducks White Pekin Straight Run Preorder

Ducklings Assorted Straight Run Preorder

Possible Breeds (Cayuga, Fawn Runner, Black Runner, Blue Swedish, Black Swedish; Ancona, Welch Harlequin, Khaki Campell, and Rouen)

Emden Geese Straight Run Proeorder

Toulouse Geese Straight Run Preorder

These are the chicks I will have available preorder preferred

Barnyard Mix $2.00

Production Reds $3.75

Black Sex Links $3.75

Red Sex Links $3.75

Golden Comets $3.75

Buff Orpingtons $3.75

Black Australorps $ 3.75

Barred Rocks 3.99

Partridge Plymouth Rocks $3.99

Anconas $3.99

White Leghorns $3.75

Black Giants3.75

White Giants 3.75

Rhode Island Reds $3.75

These chicks will be $6.00 each and must be preordered

Dark Brahmas,

Light Brahmas

Buff Brahmas,

Buff Rocks

White Orpingtons

These Chicks will be $7.00 each and must be preordered


White Faced Black Spanish


Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
Nutty, I'll go ahead and put that list in the document. Do you have me down for the brahma chicks I was interested in?
Nutty... I might be interested in Freedom Rangers if I don't end up ordering some myself. It depends on whether the hubby gets the brooder pens built by then or not.

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