2015 New York Chickenstock

Maybe we can pay her in chickens?  

She's in Washington county here in NY.  It's and interesting read but I'm not sure I'm learning anything. Except perhaps if I'm going to start a homestead do it in a warmer climate. 

Pay her in chickens is a great thought. I've certainly got a few extra. Homesteading in a warmer climate sounds fantastic idea as well.

My DH likes to watch the reality shows of people living off the grid in Alaska thru the winter. I can't imagine what it must be like: so much cold & snow with so much darkness. Tho I've heard it's been colder in NY than Alaska thru much of this winter. I really like having heat controlled by a little dial on the wall. ;)
I watched one Alaska one for two episode - but they are so STUPID ... they never think ahead and then blame all wrecks on weather .... they are bumblers related to the singer Jewel and probably only playing at homesteading for the camera.

I get so mad - especially the way the chick handled the rifle and then her husband praising her for doing things wrong - but it is on TV so people my think that is good ?! BLAH !!!!

OMG - I hopped on a tangent !
Getting off that soapbox now ... I haven't had my coffee .....

I meant to post that all the homesteading things I have read really only try to pump up the challenges in a fluffy telling of the tale way .... but they don't give any deep details that I have ever found helpful - they are more just personal stories .... I was hoping for tips that I could use at my place ... so if anyone knows of a book that mixes the story with real details - let me know.
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Pay her in chickens is a great thought. I've certainly got a few extra. Homesteading in a warmer climate sounds fantastic idea as well.

My DH likes to watch the reality shows of people living off the grid in Alaska thru the winter. I can't imagine what it must be like: so much cold & snow with so much darkness. Tho I've heard it's been colder in NY than Alaska thru much of this winter. I really like having heat controlled by a little dial on the wall.
I'm not sure I could live 100% off the grid but I could cut back quite a bit if it were just me. It takes co-operation and like minded folks.

Funny how my kids used to call me the Heat Nazi til they had utility bills of their own.

I watched one Alaska one for two episode - but they are so STUPID ... they never think ahead and then blame all wrecks on weather .... they are bumblers related to the singer Jewel and probably only playing at homesteading for the camera.

I get so mad - especially the way the chick handled the rifle and then her husband praising her for doing things wrong - but it is on TV so people my think that is good ?! BLAH !!!!

OMG - I hopped on a tangent !
Getting off that soapbox now ... I haven't had my coffee .....

I meant to post that all the homesteading things I have read really only try to pump up the challenges in a fluffy telling of the tale way .... but they don't give any deep details that I have ever found helpful - they are more just personal stories .... I was hoping for tips that I could use at my place ... so if anyone knows of a book that mixes the story with real details - let me know.

Sebocoat is in Alaska. She gave me the heads up on those shows, though the RD had an article that much of the drama is scripted.

You can tell since we know most folks don't talk that way. It's purely entertainment.

I googled Amish Mafia and read quite a bit. It's all nutters. Actors who aren't even Amish or Mennonites.

As for Homesteading. There are magazine and sites that offer good ideas. While Hobby Farms is farming sort of , you can glean quite a bit to fit your lifestyle.

Heck BYC is good for that too. This is why folks shouldn't get upset if I or some other old coot disagrees with them. Not all boots fit everyone and not all ways of doing things work for everyone. You just gotta do things as best for you and your situation.
I watched one Alaska one for two episode - but they are so STUPID ... they never think ahead and then blame all wrecks on weather .... they are bumblers related to the singer Jewel and probably only playing at homesteading for the camera.
All Reality Shows Arent Reality ! Who Knew ?
yes I agree just irritatingly clueless ..most of them
Jenna of Cold Antler Farm writes a good book and she doesn't gloss over things too much. She mentions the muck and all that too.

I don't agree with everything she says about life and all that but I can handle it. I've learned a couple of things I didn't know. It just came timely that she mentions spring and easter. Things like that. The beginning of coming to life after winter. I can understand the correlation between the resurrection of Jesus and the earth sort of. Or at least how people could anyhow.

Not sure what season it was when Jesus resurrected. Much like his birth in the middle of winter.

Well that's just me.

Still there are some good homestead books out there.

I like how Jenna mentions money issues. I hate when folks write but leave the money part out. Good garden o' peas! Once you get past that hurdle the world is your oyster.

I'll tell you this. I sure ain't getting no hogs. Too expensive.

I'd like to meet her some day.
Jesus was born in the month of Ethanim (September-October) of the year 2 B.C.E.,
was baptized about the same time of the year in 29 C.E.,
and died about 3:00 p.m. on Friday, the 14th day of the spring month of Nisan (March-April), 33 C.E.
Jesus was Resurrected in the Spring ...
He had the last Supper with his faithful disciples on Nisan 14 which is april the 3rd this year .it turns to Nisan 14 after sunset:
So Jesus’ death took place on Friday, Nisan 14, by about 3:00 p.m.—Lu 23:44-46.
Nisan 16 Jesus’ resurrection 28:1-15 16:1-8 24:1-49 20:1-25
Lots of religions around the world celebrate the return of life in the Springtime. I was going to note that Jesus' "Last Supper" was supposed to have been Passover dinner as he was Jewish ~ ironic how a traditional Easter dish is ham, huh? Gramma beat me to the punch with the deep knowledge there! I am often amazed at the stuff I pick up on this dedicated _chicken_ forum. Happy Easter, Shalom for Passover, hope we all enjoy a blessed Springtime & I'm looking forward to Chickenstock!
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Lots of religions around the world celebrate the return of life in the Springtime. I was going to note that Jesus' "Last Supper" was supposed to have been Passover dinner as he was Jewish ~ ironic how a traditional Easter dish is ham, huh? Gramma beat me to the punch with the deep knowledge there! I am often amazed at the stuff I pick up on this dedicated _chicken_ forum. Happy Easter, Shalom for Passover, hope we all enjoy a blessed Springtime & I'm looking forward to Chickenstock!

It was interesting Too this year that Nisan 14 - Date of last Supper & Passover occurred on Good Friday
What is the weight on the Rabbit feed. Met a guy who took my rooster and has taken some before. He has rabbits for meat and is going to bring me some to try. I may get rabbits but perhaps it's cheaper to buy them done up.
Rabbit is good use just like chicken in dishes. Trick to raising your own kits never look into their sweet little faces or you end up with lots of pets and empty freezer-)
I am sincerely sorry to have to tell you all this. Well sort of sorry. I won't be coming.

DD has asked us to stay longer since she has to work a week after having the baby. Of course Dad will be home, but DD wants her mother. I didn't want to come back alone.

That said, I wonder if there is someone who can stop and pick up some things here to take for me. Not necessarily chicks or that sort of thing. Perhaps some eggs for hatching. Nutty can decide what to do with them.

My other DD will be here to take care of things while I'm away.

Also some things for the auction. Non animal things.

Again I do apologize but I don't know when I'll get to see the baby after this time.

I have someone coming Sat for chicks in the brooder. We're trading for some help cleaning.

I haven't made up my mind on the older birds in the brooder. They're Dels and one Blue EE.

I'm waiting on this hatch of C.Rocks and Dels from VA. Due this coming week. If it's a decent hatch, aka any chicks, then the previous older hatch will go. They're about 8 wks and should be fine outdoors. I'll keep you posted.

Again I do apologize.

Love ya all,


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