2015 New York Chickenstock

Figured I'd post these here, just incase someone is interested in them. They will be posted on several FB pages and CL soon. I am asking $75, but that is negoitable

Mille Fleur Bantam Cochin Trio -- The roo & one hen are 1 yr old this summer. The other hen is older, currently she is broody and setting on eggs for me. She has hatched several clutches for me, bantam & LF eggs ! She is an awesome Momma. The sire of the 2 younger birds is a Black Mottled bantam Cochin,
which I learned purely by chance that Black Mottle is used to improve the Mille Fleur color pattern. I also have a Black Mottled split to Mille roo that can go with the trio, if wanted

All of my foundation stock came from Jamie Matts.
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I've got a pair of brown Chinese geese. They're obnoxious & I love them, but my DH thinks they'd be better off in the oven. I think he just doesn't know how to speak goose:)

I can bring eggs for u to try again if u'd like. I'm afraid to put their eggs in the bator bc I get attached to goslings way too quickly :)

I would love to try some goose eggs

Penny finally went broody - so I will bring baby pheasants to chickenstock for you! I will have way more than what I can grow out with Penny sitting!! Your hubby can have instant pheasant gratification - pheasant chicks are obscenely cute!!

Oh my hubby will be in his glory
Ok anyone that is expecting birds from me at chickenstock my supplier is not going to be able to provide me with birds at the time for chickenstock so I will have some older chicks for sale but that will probably be it
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Ok anyone that is expecting birds from me at chickenstock my supplier is not going to be able to provide me with birds at the time for chickenstock so I will have some older chicks for sale but that will probably be it
Nutty what kind of chicks will you have? and how much will you be charging for the squirts?
Ayam Cemani hatching eggs - 

Will you be bringing an Ayam Cemani with you?  I'd love to see one.   

If this was for me, maybe! I might have some chicks that aren't perfect that I'd be willing to sell, not for breeding, but for yard candy or if anyone is working on a fibro meat project. Depends on how my hatches go :)
I am going to try and make it to ChickenStock and if I am unable to stay I will still come to pick up my birds and other items I am looking for.
I would like to buy some Pullets as I am not allowed to have Roosters in the city of Rome, NY. I am not too fussy as to the breed I do especially like Easter Eggers, Dominiques, Barred & White Rock, Wydonottes, Buff Orps.Oh Heck who am I fooling I like most all the chickens I have read about. Dependent on cost I will be able to buy between 6-12 birds.
I am also looking for someone to buy processed, free range chickens from on a regular basis and someone to get goats milk from. I have Fibromyalgia and I know from experience that the less chemicals I ingest the better I feel so If you have any of these items, and would like a regular customer, let me know.
I am also looking for non-GMO, organic starter plants for my garden. I was unsure until now as to whether I would be able to come due to my husbands job.
Hello everyone been extremely busy with the new business, school, work and arranging things for chickenstock. We now carry NY OFA certified organic feed and Fertilizer plus we just signed on to be a Blue Diamond retailer, Iams and Eukanuba, and Hills Science diet. so been working hard to get this business off the ground.

Lady Hawk my husband so loves Pheasants I hear it all the time he wants some and they are pretty.

Quail who was I supposed to get some quail from?

My birds are laying pretty good and I am really trying to hatch to get my flock back up. I did hatch 2 more ducks so will have a whopping 5 ducks out there eventually.

Chickenstock is less than a month away can't wait.
Will the feed be available for purchase at chickenstock?
I am going to try and make it to ChickenStock and if I am unable to stay I will still come to pick up my birds and other items I am looking for.
I would like to buy some Pullets as I am not allowed to have Roosters in the city of Rome, NY. I am not too fussy as to the breed I do especially like Easter Eggers, Dominiques, Barred & White Rock, Wydonottes, Buff Orps.Oh Heck who am I fooling I like most all the chickens I have read about. Dependent on cost I will be able to buy between 6-12 birds. 
I am also looking for someone to buy processed, free range chickens from on a regular basis and someone to get goats milk from. I have Fibromyalgia and I know from experience that the less chemicals I ingest the better I feel so If you have any of these items, and would like a regular customer, let me know.

I am also looking for non-GMO, organic starter plants for my garden. I was unsure until now as to whether I would be able to come due to my husbands job. 


I will have tomato an pepper seedlings all GMO free, organic heirloom seeds grown in organic moo doo potting soil
Tomatoes: yellow pear and purple Cherokee
Peppers: sweet baby bell, black pearl (hot), black hungarian (hot), and Thai chili (hottest)

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