2015 New York Chickenstock

Nutty...do you have a date in mind yet for august? I will need time to put in for time off if I can go. So glad the food bank made out well. I agree about chickens for sale as I had numerous inquiries about my presold ones. I have already decided to push my hatch dates so I can bring more for sale at these events. I would love to see more chickenstocks, but have no room to host one on my acre. Thank you again for having us. I had a fabulous time!
Nutty - I had a blast ....

And I can for sure bring some peeps - I've got 3 broodies scowling at me now - is anyone here interested in chicks that will be hatching soon and me bringing them to the August one? They will be a backyard mix and 2-3 months old ... I have stopped breeding pens and everyone is in one flock for my easy of care .... I may have some pure Marans hatching eggs ready by then.

Also - yes - too many were trying to make big plans a day or two before the event :) So now we know we want demos - but they have to be locked in. This year there seemed to be less planning early - and a lot of scrambling at the end - since I am such an organizer - that would have driven me crazy :) Even local people have chores to do and a drive to make on the day of - so more planning would help make it smooth - but that is on all of us, not the host.

I got 3 bags of grain from you - I hope you made a decent amount of sales for your business that day too !!!
I would love to see an August event!! I am in need of some ducks - so if anyone has Welsh Harlequin, Magpies or Anconas that would be fantastic! I think I have reached my allotted ration of chickens
, BUT always room for change.........

Nutty you said a toy drive - new or gently used or both?? See? I'm already planning ahead - and I would love to do my bee thing for everyone!
I would love to see an August event!! I am in need of some ducks - so if anyone has Welsh Harlequin, Magpies or Anconas that would be fantastic! I think I have reached my allotted ration of chickens :( , BUT always room for change.........;)
  Nutty you said a toy drive - new or gently used or both??   See? I'm already planning ahead - and I would love to do my bee thing for everyone!

I have anconas due to hatch in 2 weeks. I don't have a huge number cooking, but I may be able to set aside a pair depending on how my hatch goes....
Ok I think more than one chickenstock is great. I do plan on holding at least one a year every year here. I also am definitely having another in August. Chickenstock doesn't have to be only one event per year there can be numerous. So if others would like to host one please do just because I am hosting one yearly doesn't mean you can't.

As far as me insisting on having it no one said they were hosting before I did so I asked Tab if she was planning on it to which she said no and decided to host it.

I would like to schedule the demonstrations next time the problem was people didn't confirm what they were doing until late and some people cancelled due to there working.

Next time I would like to see lots more chicks brought for sale that was the biggest complaint was there was not enough chicks for sale.

Thank you everyone for bring food I did end up buying 6 boxes of burgers and 20lbs of hotdogs which was a good thing there definitely would not have been enough. If anyone wondered people who didn't bring a dish made a donation to the food bank to eat so they weren't eating the food for free

Donations to the food bank were as follows they received a total cash donation of $589 and 35 canned goods/non perishables . Thank you everyone that donated I know numerous families will appreciate it and the cash donation is being used to provide to needy families this Thanksgiving.

I would like to do a toy drive and food drive for Christmas at the one In August
barring anymore changes or emergencies I plan to be three. I can't promise chicks in August as the grow out time is to short. I hope to hatch Marans and C. Rocks for myself,so that will be my focus when I get home. I suggest assigning duties. I think DW would not mind my volunteering use to handle the food table. Cooking and such. Folks could drop off their food and we would handle it. I think it would be good if another couple were with us so we each could take a break to schmooze. That's my idea anyhow. August?
I would love to see an August event!! I am in need of some ducks - so if anyone has Welsh Harlequin, Magpies or Anconas that would be fantastic! I think I have reached my allotted ration of chickens
, BUT always room for change.........

Nutty you said a toy drive - new or gently used or both?? See? I'm already planning ahead - and I would love to do my bee thing for everyone!
I'll have to see how my Magpies go. I plan on hatching as many as I can through September, so hopefully I'll have a few extras by then.

Need to known the date for the August one as soon as possible.. August is the busiest month of the year for me for me with DH and DS's birthdays, getting kids ready for school as well as working at the state fair and a bunch of other things it fills up fast.
I would like to sign up to host an event!  I live in NNY -- north of Syracuse by about 1 hour.  5.5 hours to NYC, 4 Hours to Buffalo, 2.5 hours to PA line by Binghamton.

You just let me know when its my year to host!  I'd be more than happy too!  Lots of space tents/campers is A.O.K!

That means you are not that far from me depending on where in NNY.
Does chicken fever ever go away??? I just got 4 new birds at ChickenStock and now... hmmmm I wonder what I what I want next...It started by going to Runnings in Rome to get "6" chicks to start... making sure I could care for them and such... Hmmm, walked out with "9". Then I came to ChickenStock to get "1" cull from Pyxis came home with "4"... just had to have that lilac Marans and of course I couldn't leave her little sisters behind. Gahhh. Now I want more and ducks too!!! My husband doesn't understand my fascination... I love em' the little *****!!!
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Does chicken fever ever go away??? I just got 4 new birds at ChickenStock and now... hmmmm I wonder what I what I want next...It started by going to Runnings in Rome to get "6" chicks to start... making sure I could care for them and such... Hmmm, walked out with "9". Then I came to ChickenStock to get "1" cull from Pyxis came home with "4"... just had to have that lilac Marana and of course I couldn't leave her little sisters behind. Gahhh. Now I want more and ducks too!!! My husband doesn't understand my fascination... I love em' the little *****!!!

My DH is the same way. Some people get it, others don't.

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