2015 New York Chickenstock

Did you bring your tin foil hat to Texas?

That area was very busy, never got to talk or introduce myself there at that "tent" - and I couldn't tell who was the "owner" or if there were several people sharing that area.
By the way, Cute chicks! I've had a few "blue barred" as I call them pop up in the Catskill Homesteaders, but not with feathered feet!
Speaking of feathered feet, those Cochin and the Cochin/CH mixes are adorable - I really liking the chicks with feathered feet,
even though I never thought I would! Moved the two new broodies "out to pasture", aka in a modified metal dog crate to weed the garden pathways.
Raining a lot today, so kept them in the "coop" (plastic dog crate) & they were complaining this evening when I was out there!
The black "twin" is definitely the boss over the bantam Cochin, but they seem to be getting along ok together.

Just came in from moving a few of the rabbits into the really tall grass paddocks - had to mow some on Saturday, but then 
the rabbits love to eat the grass, so I thought I'd try it again & try to keep track of the weather so they don't get too hot. 
Doesn't make sense to mow the grass, then have to hand-cut grass or pick plants for rabbits to eat. 
I'm just making sure I put the rabbits on first, then the chickens will follow to "clean up", as I know the rabbits
shouldn't share the same ground as the chickens. 

Getting dark - need to go feed and close everyone up! Then, it'll be time for me to go to bed.
Got a relapse of this strong virus that's been going around here lately, some people have had it 3 weeks to a month!
So, pacing myself and yet trying to get things done, even though I easily get tired.
I saw them at the nasty farmers market on 59.. Even I wouldn't treat Dummies as bad as these birds looked. How does spell check get "dummies" out of s I l k I e s?
Now I do plan to be at the August stock. So I plan to make a trip to A a and see the area to set up. We have stereo trays for hot food and a table. Make that s t e r n o . NUTTY PM me with your number so we can make plans to get together. Organization is key.
I started writing a reply last night, but didn't find it this morning. Anyways, they're all doing well !
The cochin chicks are in with another group of chicks, many of which are the cochin mixes, so lots of feathered feet in that brooder!
One of the cochin mixes was hatched May 1st, and is already an obvious cockerel, plus is slightly larger than the pure cochin chicks.
Still can't tell what gender they are, as their combs are still small, but some have tiny wattles already.
They're already getting some extra colors in; I'll try to take photos and post sometime.

The broody cochin isn't looking for her chicks anymore, just having fun scratching, digging and eating the weeds in the garden pathways.

I'm happy to hear all are settling in
saw a listing for quail on a page for animals in need of new homes. Let me know if you would like further information. It is 25$ for pair and 5$ for any extras

Alchemy Acres Animal Sanctuary

Salem, OH 44460
saw a listing for quail on a page for animals in need of new homes. Let me know if you would like further information. It is 25$ for pair and 5$ for any extras

Alchemy Acres Animal Sanctuary

Salem, OH 44460

Lord have mercy you should have seen the Quail in Texas. Cages of them. Eggs for sale. I wonder if they really sell that many down there. I didn't see anyone buying any. I did see a lady with a chickens tucked under her arm though.

Have we set up a page for chickenstock August yet?

Does anyone here have Birchen Marans. My hens are broody and I fear I may not get fertile eggs to hatch. I've just the one rooster so I'm concerned. I don't like to keep just one rooster of a breed.
I'm looking for the woman that had the Black Copper Marans at Chickenstock. She was set up on the same side as the food, I believe one of the first vendors on that side. I bought 4. I'd like pictures of the parent stock because, as you will see from this thread:


I can't figure out which are my Freedom Ranger Chickens and which are my Copper Marans!

I've searched the web for images, but they come in a variety of colors from very colorful to plain black.
Her name is Marqisquella - or some spelling like that :)

I got a bird from her the year before - very nice birds!!!

Look at their legs - you should see little wee bits of feathering coming in on the Marans legs - and it won't be long before you can tell them apart anyway - the freedome rangers will get big and slow - not so with the Marans
Thank you!! I have been freaking out -- lol. I figured eventually I would be able to tell, but as the weeks pass...I can sit there for an hour looking at them all...and there are so many variations of colors in the freedom rangers its crazy! I should post a pic so you can see what I am dealing with..haha.

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