2015 Pacific Poultry Breeders Association Show NOW MODESTO

I have some good friends who enjoy going to poultry shows as spectators. They had a collection of different breeds of chickens, just for eggs to eat and to enjoy looking at. They almost lost their home in the Amador fire and did lose their flock. They have a coop with a well protected run, but the power outage allowed the bobcat to get past the hotwire. They have upgraded it now and tested it with mutt roosters.
They would like to find a fun variety of plumage colors and egg colors. They couldn't find anything at the Hollister show, so they will be going to Modesto.

On their wish list:
Japanese bantam rooster
Plymouth Rocks - they would love to have a Rock collection, one of each variety, but can't even find a Barred Rock, which would be their first choice.
A Marans that lays very dark eggs. They loved their Black Copper Marans.
An Easter Egger for blue eggs.

They are open to other possibilities. They were not happy with their Orpington and Penedesenca. All they have so far is a SG Dorking and Delaware.
I have some good friends who enjoy going to poultry shows as spectators. They had a collection of different breeds of chickens, just for eggs to eat and to enjoy looking at. They almost lost their home in the Amador fire and did lose their flock. They have a coop with a well protected run, but the power outage allowed the bobcat to get past the hotwire. They have upgraded it now and tested it with mutt roosters.
They would like to find a fun variety of plumage colors and egg colors. They couldn't find anything at the Hollister show, so they will be going to Modesto.

On their wish list:
  Japanese bantam rooster
Plymouth Rocks - they would love to have a Rock collection, one of each variety, but can't even find a Barred Rock, which would be their first choice.
A Marans that lays very dark eggs. They loved their Black Copper Marans.
An Easter Egger for blue eggs.

They are open to other possibilities. They were not happy with their Orpington and Penedesenca. All they have so far is a SG Dorking and Delaware.
Not happy with penedesenca what's up with that? They are resilient hardy , heat hardy. , durable great free rangers alert , very good layers and lay a nice egg. The perfect california farm chicken really
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Not happy with penedesenca what's up with that? They are resilient hardy , heat hardy. , durable great free rangers alert , very good layers and lay a nice egg. The perfect california farm chicken really

I thought that was what she said, but she just posted on the CA Chicken Yahoo group asking for the Pen breeder to contact her. Do you have any extras? I could give you her info by PM.
Do you guys think that we should wear name tags with our BYC handles (names) on them? I was thinking it might be a good way to recognize each other. Just a thought.

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