2015 Peafowl Hatching Support Group - Eggs and Chicks!

 , please don't get too worried about your eggs and start "meddling". Just give them time to do their thing. Read this:

If you decide you want to assist, come ask lots of questions here before you do.


Thanks. I haven't touched them! I worry but I'm really not one to meddle unless it's a very obvious desperate need for assisting. Even then I weigh the risks assoc with my actions so. ...
Does anyone have an peachicks for sale that they would ship? I'm only looking to purchase two and all the websites I have come across say you have to purchase 8 or more. Thank you
Does anyone have an peachicks for sale that they would ship? I'm only looking to purchase two and all the websites I have come across say you have to purchase 8 or more. Thank you

The reason people say you have to ship 8 or more is usually because of warmth reasons. Shipping 2 chicks isn't warm enough to keep them alive. Where do you live?
Does anyone have an peachicks for sale that they would ship? I'm only looking to purchase two and all the websites I have come across say you have to purchase 8 or more. Thank you

Let us know where you are located, I know I would be more likely to try it if the person was closer rather than other side of the country.
I just came to ask about how to solve this haha! I had one who looked just like Kathy's in the egg, with its feet up by its head. I pulled it out of the egg because there was no way it was getting out itself and there was no blood, just a stuck chick. But its neck is quite severely curled due to its wonky position! I've currently got it wrapped up and drying off on my chest with its neck straightened by my fingers. Do you possibly have a link to photos of the foam piece? I was thinking of some medical tape and a cut paper towel tube...

Like this?


There were no pictures it was just something the person mentioned having done successfully in the past. On the UPA forum it is DCT, "the friendly poultry othropedist" or something like that. If I were to try it I would be doing exactly what Kathy has done in the pics. and I think it onlt took a couple days, like splayed leg and crooked toes, gives the bones a chance to harden in the correct position and stretches out the ligaments and tendons. I hope it works, I had a hen hatch one with a pretty crooked neck and I didn't realize until it was a week old that there was a problem, she survived just fine until 2 yrs. old, then she wouldn't come in for the night and a fox got her.

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