2015 Peafowl Hatching Support Group - Eggs and Chicks!

My IB has started laying her second clutch. Assuming decoy egg found in the coop once again yesterday. Hoping these are fertile this go around. Her first clutch of 9 none of them were.

So I've already ordered some to be shipped again. I hatched 2 from the last batch of shipped and sadly the first to hatch and the absolutely sweetest thing ever was no more than 2 days old when one of my cats knocked over its brooder and killed it. Luckily the 2nd hatch was still in the bator fluffing up so...then there was 1!
Yikes, sorry you lost the one!

We have used just a cardboard box + heat lamp and shavings for a brooder for years (a pretty big one, they can't really knock it over, but they could jump over the top if they were determined). There's no top or anything, we just clip one wing on the babies so they don't get out (it's ~2 feet high walls, maybe 2.5). I've got two cats, and everyone always asks "aren't you worried the cats will get into it/don't the cats bother them?" and I used to worry about that, but they've never once shown an interest- in fact, they appear to be terrified of birds. Can't imagine the trouble they'd be in if they decided differently!
Well I decided I should join this thread by now. I should have eggs hatching within a week. My hen had 2 eggs in her nest that I'm letting her keep to allow her to incubate her own clutch if she does. If not my parents can eat the eggs or when my eggs in the incubator hatch I'll restock my incubator. I left for Moscow Idaho to University of Idaho for FFA competitions; I'm competing in the Livestock judging and Vet Tech. I hope my chicks won't hatch out when I'm gone. My parents are taking care of them for me right now.
Good luck in the competition Birdrain! I know how you feel I get very nervous when I go off on a trip for something and leave my parents to take care of the eggs or peachicks. I am less worried about when they take care of my adult peafowl because I put a spring on the door. That way when my Mom forgets to close the door the door will close itself. My peafowl have gotten out before when my Mom fed them and didn't close the door haha.
We Are HATCHING! Right Now!
Lucy has been sitting on 6 eggs, and this is day 27. Can see one chick so far, and trying to restrain myself from disturbing her any more.....well, maybe for another hour- if I can hold back. So excited!

Hatching NOW! Couldn't restrain myself- went back out to the coop. The one little chick we saw earlier was out from under Lucy. I think the poor little thing was cold. In this photo, you can see Lucy trying to draw the chick closer, She makes a growly sound the whole time. I think that's a warning to me- not sure. I finally had to interfere and put the chick back under her. No sign of other chicks yet. I took a video but cannot figure out how to download it- d-it says I have to make it Utube? any suggestions?
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Help! The other 5 eggs have done nothing. Chick No.1 hatched at about 1:30 this afternoon. None of the other 5 eggs show anything. Lucy is still sitting and I'm being a terrible pest lifting her tail every few hours to check. Should I be concerned? Is No.1 going to be an only child?

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