2015 Peafowl Hatching Support Group - Eggs and Chicks!

New babies last night! My very first silver pied kid (confirming Blu is definitely the proud papa!) And another dark pied. I thought the silver pied was actually a white until I spotted just a couple dark feathers!


I hope I can find some help on this page. My husband works for a park where they have a ton of peafowl. He's noticed a momma on a nest for a few weeks or more now. Today a terrible thing happened. A stray dog got ahold of momma and killed her and a new born hatchling. He was able to save one chick and grabed the 2 remaining eggs. I candeled them and one definitely has a baby inside. I can see movement. But the air cell seems BIG and saddle shaped. Luckily I had my incubator already set up since I just hatched quail. Can anyone give me any advice? I have my incubator set to 91.5 (seemed like that was the right lock down temp for peafowl) and the humidity is at 73%. I have never hatched peafowl so I am clueless!!
I hope I can find some help on this page. My husband works for a park where they have a ton of peafowl. He's noticed a momma on a nest for a few weeks or more now. Today a terrible thing happened. A stray dog got ahold of momma and killed her and a new born hatchling. He was able to save one chick and grabed the 2 remaining eggs. I candeled them and one definitely has a baby inside. I can see movement. But the air cell seems BIG and saddle shaped. Luckily I had my incubator already set up since I just hatched quail. Can anyone give me any advice? I have my incubator set to 91.5 (seemed like that was the right lock down temp for peafowl) and the humidity is at 73%. I have never hatched peafowl so I am clueless!!

Oh that's terrible! Were the 2 babies already hatched when the dog showed up? Dry and fluffed? If so the one in the egg may have already been having some difficulty, so keep in mind there are no guarantees here. If you can raise the temp to 95-98 that would be better, also take the eggs into a dark quiet room and put your ear to the air cell then talk, cheep or pick it the shell with your nail and see if you get any response. Cheeping or a scritch scratch noise will tell you if they have broken into the air cell. Once they have gotten into the air cell they have about 24 hrs worth of oxygen in there and must break the shell before suffocating, since you won't know when they got into it, if they are in it you should make an air hole for them. If they are not in the air cell, they probably will not hatch. If you make an air cell, return the to the incubator and keep the humidity as high as you can and give them another 24 hrs. to see if they can get out.

You'll want to get some chick starter for the little guy, amprolium medicated is best for pea babies. if you can keep him close to the eggs his cheeping may encourage them, seems to happen with ours, once one is out they all start. Good luck and keep us posted.
I hope I can find some help on this page. My husband works for a park where they have a ton of peafowl. He's noticed a momma on a nest for a few weeks or more now. Today a terrible thing happened. A stray dog got ahold of momma and killed her and a new born hatchling. He was able to save one chick and grabed the 2 remaining eggs. I candeled them and one definitely has a baby inside. I can see movement. But the air cell seems BIG and saddle shaped. Luckily I had my incubator already set up since I just hatched quail. Can anyone give me any advice? I have my incubator set to 91.5 (seemed like that was the right lock down temp for peafowl) and the humidity is at 73%. I have never hatched peafowl so I am clueless!!

Everything Dylansmom said plus on the chick starter if you can find amprolium medicated game bird starter that's best due to the higher protein. And I wanted to say good luck! That's a terrible thing to have happen :(
How much weight should a Pea egg lose during incubation?
I've never thought to weigh mine... I know they do that for emu eggs since you can't see inside, but most of the time you can see into pea eggs to tell development. I'm about to set a dozen or so, I could weigh them weekly and find out, if someone doesn't know offhand? I'd be interested to know the answer, so I might anyway

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