2015 Peafowl Hatching Support Group - Eggs and Chicks!

Question: how long does the tape have to stay on? today it was two days old, so it was let go two days :( another just hatched tonight at 8:30, looks like its having the same problem. right leg sticking out and flipping it over its wing. is there something I'm doing wrong while incubating that causes this? got a little giant still air incubator, temp about 101.5, humidity 50-60%. (70-80% for hatch) turning three times a day as close to 8 hours apart as possible. had the incubator at 99.5 and no chicks were hatching... fixed it by raising the temp and now they are hatching but hope not all of them have this problem.
So usually how long does the tape have to stay on to fix the legs?
When I did it, I left it on for a day, then I took it off and checked it. It was looking good, so I reapplied and left for 1 more day just to be sure, and then took it off. But if it hadn't looked fixed, I'd have continued 1 day on, check, 1 day on, check, until it looked fixed.

As for the incubator, if they weren't hatching at what looks like appropriate stats, there's a good chance your thermometer and/or hygrometer are off in some way. If it's not the incubator causing the problem, it could be a bird diet problem (what goes into the birds goes into the eggs, so if something is off with their nutrition, the yolk's nutrition may be off). I vaguely recall someone saying that something like this was happening to them and they changed something in their birds' diets that lessened it. But I'm useless because I can't remember who or what, or if it was just a dream.
Question: how long does the tape have to stay on? today it was two days old, so it was let go two days :( another just hatched tonight at 8:30, looks like its having the same problem. right leg sticking out and flipping it over its wing. is there something I'm doing wrong while incubating that causes this? got a little giant still air incubator, temp about 101.5, humidity 50-60%. (70-80% for hatch) turning three times a day as close to 8 hours apart as possible. had the incubator at 99.5 and no chicks were hatching... fixed it by raising the temp and now they are hatching but hope not all of them have this problem.
So usually how long does the tape have to stay on to fix the legs?

It really just depends on the extent of the correction needed. Sorry but I don't think there's a set # of days. You will know it's worked when the chick starts getting around as it should.
Thanks so much!!! both of you!!! and Kedreeva you're not useless, gives me something to ponder and look up. ok will take off and check tomorrow then n see if its better. :) Night.
Well, turns out my 4 eggs were duds
I was really hoping for some chicks, but I'm not sure how old the breeder flock is or anything so I wasn't letting my hopes get up too high. At least I've got 62 chicken eggs in the bators right now so I'll still have some fuzzy butts
This is a first for me here. 5 weeks ago while gathering eggs and marking them i picked up one from the black shoulder silver pied pen and marked it bssp as always. Well next to the bssp pen is my Taupe pen,,a pair of Taupes with 2 bssp hens. There is a door between pens that does have a gap under it but at the time I don't remember the exact location of this egg,except it came from the bssp pen. Anyways the little bugger hatched last weekend but it resembled a very lite colored India Blue peachick. My big pen of India Blues is on the other side of the bssp pen but there isn't a door between the pens and the sight barrier and ground 2x4" are right on top of the ground,,so there is no way the egg rolled under into the bssp pen. Since it is lighter than the IB chicks I then thought possibly an egg rolled under the door between pens,and this was a Taupe. I only hatched 2 last year and both was killed by a varmit late last summer so I kinda forgot what Taupes looked like.

Anyways,we always say 25% whites,25% pieds and 50% bssp chicks comes from bssp parents. Somewhere,someone forgot that peachicks of this color also rarely comes from 2 bssp parents.It has 1white flight feather on each wing. I called and just sent the pics to Brad Legg asking him if it was a Taupe,,he said no,it was an India Blue split white. So,,who's the genetics expert that can explain this one?

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With silver pieds, you also have the possibility of "dark pied" birds. Where you have a bird who, genetically, is a silver pied but phenotypically looks like a blue split (white/pied) bird.

My 5 year old boy, Blu, came from a 100% silver pied pen:

He has no white eyes, no "white-eye" frosting, no patches of white, just a couple white flights and a small white throat patch. But when put over a pied hen, he still throws silver pied kids because genetically he's SP:

I stuck a heater to help add more heat. It's starting to keep it's head up and keep it's wings tucked in. Hope it's legs and feet bounce back. But now the pea chicks take my room. My room is almost too hot for me.
you should not need a space heater, i have my chicks in my kitchen when they first hatch and i only have a 40 watt bulb , i place it over a flower pot and they snuggle up to it and lay all around the pot , i have the top ajar and a blanket covering all but one end to allow in fresh air they are very toasty in there.
you should not need a space heater, i have my chicks in my kitchen when they first hatch and i only have a 40 watt bulb , i place it over a flower pot and they snuggle up to it and lay all around the pot , i have the top ajar and a blanket covering all but one end to allow in fresh air they are very toasty in there.

My lamp with a towel over it in my room only made it to 80 degrees. We keep our house at 70 degrees.

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