2015 Peafowl Hatching Support Group - Eggs and Chicks!

I've got two peachicks! That's a 100% hatch rate for me on my first two eggs, which were shipped! Can't beat that. Now I just need to figure out what color they are. They're either blue split to opal or opal.
I've got two peachicks! That's a 100% hatch rate for me on my first two eggs, which were shipped! Can't beat that. Now I just need to figure out what color they are. They're either blue split to opal or opal.

Congrats! That's awesome! I have 5 eggs due to hatch any day now!! It's my first try too!
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I have two new additions to the family!

Well you can only see one, the other is drying off and warming up. :)

Congrats to all on their hatches!
I couldn't handle the stress of momma and babe wandering around. She had left the nest area. I spotted them in the flower bed then I had to go on a search. She was nestled on the ground along the woods. I snatched up babe and momma followed. I set up a large kennel in the garage and put the little one that hatched Sunday back with them.


The other chick was under her and looks to be IB. I didn't notice any white on it but I'll get picks when I weigh them tomorrow.
Well I couldn't take it anymore and so glad I did it. It's basically out left it's bottom in just in case but all the veins had receided as there was no blood but it had only a slit in the membrane and was very strange looking.

This is when I began and after I made a larger tear in the membrane.

Once I got it's head out from its wing it has this strange knot on its head. Has a red dot on the tip almost cyst or boilish looking!?!?
It appears pied but I have none so who knows!!? Just guessing based on pics overseen but it's obviously still wet.
Anyone know what this maybe? Referring to the bump not breed

How's this one doing?

How's this one doing?


Vet visit for "Alli" went well. It's not brain or an infection. They've never seen it before but did pull fluid but said it was mostly blood. Viewed under a microscope. So she stated we should just wait it out and discuss removing if we choose once "she's " bigger and can handle the anesthesia. I'm just concerned because it's growing faster than she is and it makes me think it will be bigger than her head before too long. So strange. The vet also said it didn't appear to have a pocket or a solid mass. She said she poked around in it with a needle. After a local anesthetic of course.
This is her at hatch again. For comparison.
Just Friday.

Today after our visit.

She weighed in at 60g which I thought small considering the other two I had to compare but after weighing the 2 with the broody today they are at 55g for the IB and 59g for the little yellow chick which I'm guessing is a IB BS.

I did go ahead and put Alli with the broody and her 2 chicks but it's not happy. I had to put boards around the bottom because she just kept leaving the crate to follow me, causing momma to panic. I've placed it under her twice and it was content but only for a bit. I'm trying to stay away for awhile in hopes it allows a better bond.
Need some help from you all...my broody chicken hen has became a momma to 2 peachicks as of yesterday afternoon. the local peafowl lady told me that i must get some duramycin or terramycin (sp?) immediately and mix in their water or they will surely die. the feed store doesn't have either of these...i am familiar with corrid which I've used for our chicken chicks in the past...is this ok to give to the peachicks? these are our first peachicks and i don't want them to miss something important if it's a must. any help is appreciated. p.s. the chicks not showing any signs of illness...

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