2015 Peafowl Hatching Support Group - Eggs and Chicks!

She has all of sudden hit high energy! She runs around box like crazy! She was playing with us on the floor and started pecking at my diamond so I put crumble on my knuckle she went for it!! Yay! She is getting hang of it.
I'm weighing her daily she has lost .1oz from yesterday this is normal right?
I'm trying to get her to eat a couple times a day that I see is that enough?

They will lose a few gram a day for the first 3-6 days, but then they should start gaining after that. By the time they're 10 days old they should weigh 80-110 grams.

I have bowl in with her.
Thanks for all the great info
hello. new to hatching pea fowl. I've hatched plenty of chickens. I had 6 eggs given to me, 3 hatched. One 2 days ago, is just fine. One about 5 hours after the first and he's still not walking right, I think I will try the brace. And the third over night and has something very wrong with it's leg. A sore at the bend in the leg. the sore has now healed but it walks holding it's leg up. I'm nervous about doing something wrong but my gut says put a splint on it to straighten it out. I'll post some pictures.
hello. new to hatching pea fowl. I've hatched plenty of chickens. I had 6 eggs given to me, 3 hatched. One 2 days ago, is just fine. One about 5 hours after the first and he's still not walking right, I think I will try the brace. And the third over night and has something very wrong with it's leg. A sore at the bend in the leg. the sore has now healed but it walks holding it's leg up. I'm nervous about doing something wrong but my gut says put a splint on it to straighten it out. I'll post some pictures.
how is the chick?

I'm a new peafowl owner (a new forum user as we'll) :rolleyes:& bought a mated pair. My hen laid 5 eggs and she has been sitting on them for 35 days now. I know this is way past the incubation time. Should I just remove the eggs from the nest? I'm not sure what went wrong?.?.?.? Any advice is appreciated.
how is the chick?


I ended up taking the chick to the vet. the tendon on his foot had slipped off and I was told it was common and that had I brought it in the day it hatched, their might have been hope but at day 2, there wasn't any hope so she put him/her to sleep. The other one with the brace is doing just great. THANK YOU.
I'm a new peafowl owner (a new forum user as we'll)
& bought a mated pair. My hen laid 5 eggs and she has been sitting on them for 35 days now. I know this is way past the incubation time. Should I just remove the eggs from the nest? I'm not sure what went wrong?.?.?.? Any advice is appreciated.
Welcome to BYC!

Might be a good idea to candle them before you toss them.

Hi,I have 4 peafowl eggs in the bator and one has a hair line crack.I noticed it yesterday around 6:00 p.m and the crack is a little bigger but no external pip.Should I make it a air hole or give it time? It is on day 28. Thank you!

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