2016 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

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My showgirl baby Goose-Goose.
How do you all take your photos so close up that I have been seeing? All photos are beautiful. Maybe I need to redo a photo if I can get a close up.


The first picture is is sweet pea. She always, always has to sit on my head. She will complain if I'm wearing a hat and she will actually pull and peck at my hat until it comes off!

The second picture is proof that chickens gossip! Ms. Raven and her daughter, Ebony will do this almost on a daily basis.

Hope you enjoy the pics.
Grand-hen-ma from Hudson Florida
Ebony is my hens name! What breed is your baby?
TheBantyCoop -- Do you know for a fact it was this board? Lots of boards here and there is 80 pages here on this thread so far. I tried looking back several pages didn't find it. Maybe you were looking for a new avatar earlier maybe that is where you found this photo.
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