2017 Gosling Hatch a long!!

Oh no Nannette. Hopefully it's not a quitter.

Looking forward to pictures though, they help me pass the time when I want to be fiddling with my own eggs. Lol

I'm trying to keep busy over here, I realized our movers will be here in 16 days!!!! So I've got to hurry hurry and start decluttering and throwing things away.

I tossed 10 garbage bags worth of stuff today (and we are not even hoarders!) definitely helped pass the morning and I feel good because it'll be 10 garbage bags less that I'll have to worry about unpacking. Ha ha ha

We haven't had too many predator problems in the past, the occasional hawk, a stray cat or two but none have ever succeeded.

We do have coyotes in our area though :( thankfully we are all fenced in and the coop is a full shed so there's no way for foxes to dig their way in. I'll still be on pins and needles waiting for my chicks to grow up though, but they'll be moving into the garage when they hatch. I've raised too many babies in the house and they are stinky.

Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday (or Wednesday depending on where you are!)
16 days!! Panic! I dread ever moving with all my kids. It'd be a total nightmare. And my husband is a builder and a hoarder so our garden is FULL of sheds FULL of stuff! And I am a teeny bit of a toy and baby clothes hoarder...
Well done for the 10 garbage bags though...that'll help.

I totally get what you mean by chicks being messy! I've just moved our 6 week old bantams and warrens out into their coops as I got sick of the dust and the mess in our dining room!Here they are in their new homes as of yesterday (Monday ha ha). They had a hard time finding their beds but once we helped out they slept soundly...zzz!
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It's about half seven pm here so once I've fought my kiddywinks into their beds I'll get my torch out and get some pictures posted for opinions...!Watch this space as I'm really not sure on this one.
I only have racoons to worry about. Do they attack adult birds? My baby chicks are still being brooded in the basement but the geese and 2 ducks are outside in a converted shed.
Ok I candled and, althought I'm not sure, I think I have a quitter. It seems to lack veins and there's a blob that moves when I move the egg. Also the other eggs have lots of obvious movement and veining, and don't have that odd yellowy colour. What do you think? My pics aren't great but they are the best I could get.
A good egg with veining:

The dodgy egg:



see the weird blob just next to the air cell?

Thoughts? And any ideas why it's died? I thought of they got past day 7 they would make it to hatch day...:confused:
I only have racoons to worry about. Do they attack adult birds? My baby chicks are still being brooded in the basement but the geese and 2 ducks are outside in a converted shed.
I'm certainly no expert but I've definitely heard of raccoons killing adult ducks. I think they can be a problem with adult geese too though I don't know if they could kill one.
That's just what I've heard on here...:rolleyes:
I've kept a large flock of birds for over 5 years now. In that time, I've only lost two adult geese to predators, one to a mink and the other we suspect badger. We also lost one young gosling to a magpie. That sucked. We have lost many ducks and chickens to raccoons, especially when sitting/raising babies. We had a really bad time last year losing ducks and chickens to a fox, until hubby luckily caught it in the act (in the middle of the afternoon) and shot him. So, as a general rule, if you have chickens and/or ducks, the predators will typically target them before going for your geese. Running 2-3 live traps at all times with smelly can cat food or rotisserie chicken remains can dramatically help minimize loss. But it is a pain, because we routinely catch our chickens, our cats, and even magpies. :rolleyes:
I've kept a large flock of birds for over 5 years now. In that time, I've only lost two adult geese to predators, one to a mink and the other we suspect badger. We also lost one young gosling to a magpie. That sucked. We have lost many ducks and chickens to raccoons, especially when sitting/raising babies. We had a really bad time last year losing ducks and chickens to a fox, until hubby luckily caught it in the act (in the middle of the afternoon) and shot him. So, as a general rule, if you have chickens and/or ducks, the predators will typically target them before going for your geese. Running 2-3 live traps at all times with smelly can cat food or rotisserie chicken remains can dramatically help minimize loss. But it is a pain, because we routinely catch our chickens, our cats, and even magpies. :rolleyes:
Thanks for the tip! I've only seen them once, but it was a family group. I have a small man-made pond and they came, ate the goldfish, and put a hole in the brand new liner I had put in. It's only 10 by 11 but in an odd shape. Man it was a pain to do and I haven't tried to repair it for this summer.

I am just amazed by how much I love my geese and ducks. I've always been an animal lover, but they're just so loveable. Haha, wait until they are full grown! I am spending as much time with them as possible, I don't want a mean flock.
I've got big plans to put up a game camera this time around, just for fun. I know we have a raccoon and cats but it would be neat to see what else is willing to hop my fence at night.
Nannette, I agree, id go with your gut on that one.

What a shame though.

Can you float test this early on?
Thanks for your thoughts. I might float test it first yes, but I'm pretty sure it's quit. I'm so disappointed. I'm down to 4 eggs and if any more don't make it to hatch day or struggle to hatch I'm worried I'll lose more...:barnie
I've got big plans to put up a game camera this time around, just for fun. I know we have a raccoon and cats but it would be neat to see what else is willing to hop my fence at night.

A game camera is a great idea tho! I'd love to know what's creeping about at night. I bet its more than you realise!
Well I float tested and it failed so I cracked it open and it was dead. I've no idea how old it was but it had an eye and was maybe an inch and a half in diameter. It didn't smell at all at least!
So I'm down to 4 eggs...:fl

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