2017 Gosling Hatch a long!!



6 Years
Mar 15, 2013
Signing off for good. No longer own fowl or poultr
My Coop
My Coop
2017 is here and for some hatching/incubation has already started, for others it's just around the corner. So might as well get our traditional thread started for the year!
Can't wait to see everyone's new babies whether they might be purebred or crosses.
I wish everyone the best of luck with their hatches and their goslings! So Let's get Cracking & May all of your eggs be fertile!!
I've never had the yelling with mine either so I'm not sure what's going on with that. My gander does sit in the coop sometimes with my broody girl to keep her company and help her guard the nest, but that's it.

I had two new hatchers this weekend! And one more on the way that seems to have drawn down. Here are the two new babies:

Unfortunately, momma was so busy protecting the eggs that were hatching under her, she wanted nothing to do with us or the goslings. Plus, it didn't help that the goslings were beginning to imprint on me. So back inside the house they went and are set up in our brooder pen for now, where they are perfectly content.
I'm already over brooding the goslings. I forgot how much of a handful a group of african babies can be! So, I grabbed one of my african geese and took her inside the house to get her to adopt them. She was immediately drawn to them and they have been bonding for the last two hours. Hope that by tomorrow, I can release them outside as one big family.
IMG_3755.JPG IMG_3760.JPG
So my African started laying in Mid-late May. One of my Rouen ducks went broody on the eggs. A couple weeks ago a copper maran hen joined her. Checked the nest today. One egg peeped at me and another was scratching inside. Husband wants me to bring them to the house to hatch. He's worried chickens will kill them. I want them to stay a bit longer. Suggestions?
We have geese! One out of egg one half out. And two more w lots of movement today.

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