2017 Gosling Hatch a long!!

Are they illegal where you are? If not and it's just a neighbor complaining you don't have to get rid of them.
Are they illegal where you are? If not and it's just a neighbor complaining you don't have to get rid of them.
yes, unfortunately they are illegal. I didn't look into the ordinances closely enough because we're allowed chickens.
I am having a crazy morning. I have an older sick duck that was not with group at morning feeding, so I went on a search mission. When I went into barn, I heard a bunch of peeping sounds from stall where my last sitting toulouse's nest is. The mom was gone (I found her wandering around outside nearby) and four babies in various stages of hatching were there with another four uncracked eggs. Last year, my african terrorist group bullied this goose off nest at hatching and I had to rescue the remaining gosling. So, I assume the same thing happened this morning. I immediately snagged the four and ran to house and put them in incubator. Now I wait and hope the bator heats up fast enough and the babies make it. If any of the gosling survive, I will give them to momma to raise once warm and dry.

And I still haven't found my duck....
As of now, my bator is up to temp and all four goslings are still alive. Pretty sure at least a couple will make it. I also got momma goose safely back to stall (and closed door behind her) and she is tucked up tight on her nest. I heard one of the four remaining eggs peeping so there's at least one more close to external pipping.

Finally, I found my duck. She is really sick, but still trying to hang on. She's my first hatchling ever in January, 2012, and has always been one of my favorites. So while I understand she is pretty old and had an awesome life, we will be sad to see her pass.
As of now, my bator is up to temp and all four goslings are still alive. Pretty sure at least a couple will make it. I also got momma goose safely back to stall (and closed door behind her) and she is tucked up tight on her nest. I heard one of the four remaining eggs peeping so there's at least one more close to external pipping.

Finally, I found my duck. She is really sick, but still trying to hang on. She's my first hatchling ever in January, 2012, and has always been one of my favorites. So while I understand she is pretty old and had an awesome life, we will be sad to see her pass.
I really hope that she will be ok!
What an amazing story, these animals dont half drive us crazy sometimes. :barnie
Let us know how the pipping eggs do!:fl
I hope my duck will be ok, too.

It will be at least 24 hours before I know if any eggs under goose will hatch, but my goose looks determined to try. Things are definitely looking up for the goslings. Three goslings are fully out of shell and doing well. Even #4 is growing stronger.
I hope my duck will be ok, too.

It will be at least 24 hours before I know if any eggs under goose will hatch, but my goose looks determined to try. Things are definitely looking up for the goslings. Three goslings are fully out of shell and doing well. Even #4 is growing stronger.View attachment 1043509 View attachment 1043510 View attachment 1043511
Oh thank goodness! It's always a worry when things go wrong but I guess we forget how resilient animals can be.
Hopefully your duck will be ok too :fl

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