2018 Babies!

Possibly ducks and/or geese. Still mulling. Geese to free range would be near the top of my wish list. Call ducks also, but they've flown away on me before so...

Pretty happy with the chicken breeds I've got. Unless I start looking then I'll catch the iNeeds.
Well, last month I was able to acquire 3 young buff Naked Neck ladies that are now laying eggs. I plan to get a couple more of the White Naked Neck girls and do a hatch of them crossed with my Australorps. I also picked up a trio of those auto-sexing Crested Cream Legbar chicks that I will be breeding when they mature and give me those pretty blue eggs.
Fun thread!
After my flock got decimated this past fall I've had a lot of time to think about what to do with the 'fresh start' I've been given, and so I ended up placing a very specific order that will include Self Blue and Blue Cochins, Cuckoo Marans, Faverolles, EEs, Polish, Sussex, and if I'm lucky a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte. Props to the nice lady in charge of special orders at my local feed store for putting up with me :)
I am a new chicken person so this will be my first time getting chicks. Getting Easter eggers, silver and gold laced Wyandottes. I thought about getting something that lays a really dark egg too... I'll have to see what else the feed store gets.
They tell me they gets chicks in end of February to mid March and will call me when that happens. So I'm passing the time on this site... 9.9
Good breeds! Look into Barnevelders for darker eggs. Beautiful birds. Good luck!
I am definitely interested in adding some ducks to the flock. I've been looking into the Welsh Harlequins and Saxony's.

I really shouldn't get more chickens but I would love some Silkies. And possibly some Easter Eggers. I would really love some colorful eggs to add to my variety.
Starting my flock in March (having a hard time waiting!!) and my plan is for Barred Rock, Golden Laced Wyandottes, and Buff Orpingtons. Plan on getting 2 of each when a semi-local hatchery has "chick days" on weekends at a local farm store.

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