2019 Peafowl

Ok thanks. I’m home now so if I can get the neighbor to help, thankfully she’s a nurse and knows how to be gentle, I’ll know shortly if she has gapeworm. And kedreeva I’d love the number for an avian vet. I have one that’s about an hour and a half from my birds but having another would never hurt.
So I caught and swabbed and no gapeworm. She sounds like she’s gargling water. Coughing a lot and open mouth breathing

I'd still worm her anyway, if you have not yet done so for the year. If that doesn't clear it up, could be a respiratory infection; if it's respiratory you'll want to get some tylan 200. I'll get you Dr. O's number :)
The dosages given on safeguard for goats and horses are calculated for goats and horses, which have much slower metabolisms than peafowl. If you are going to dose with those, you should really check with a vet. Also tk you are in the north east where gapeworm is more prevalent so if you have had it before there is a better than average chance that that is what it is. Fenbendazole is pretty safe to treat with even as a general dewormer as long as you get the dosage right. You should be able to call an avian vet and get that info. If you need the number for one I can give you the information for a Toledo vet.

The pic I posted is out of my Vet manual and is the correct dosage for birds.


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