2020 Flock And General Chit Chat

Hi!! I'm a chicken newbie but have been around em all my life and we are FINALLY starting a small flock first week of March. Don't even know exactly which breeds yet but I'll be choosing 4 for me and 3 for my mother in law who is also starting out with us! My husband is excited to build 2 coops since I have a lot of specifics for ours and he can actually be creative with his mom's 😂
Waiting until March to get my chicks is killing me though. I can't wait until I can post coop and chick pics! 🐣
38 mystery eggs ready to hatch on Sunday 😁

We ordered Paprika some friends, they arrived this morning!
IMG_20200124_070702767.jpg IMG_20200124_073916144.jpg
A surprise fluffy lil nugget box! No idea on breeds all heavies though.

A sad note... We lost one of our Brahma girls to looks like a fox. And a BR mix is missing too. We're building a large run for them so this doesn't happen, but we didn't get it done in time. So frustrating! But by the time babies get big enough it will be!

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