2022 Chick Order

22 on order from Cackle since... December 3rd...
Welsummer -3f
Splash Americauna -4sr
Easter Egger -4f
Buff Orpington -4f
Blue laced red wyandotte -3f, 1m
Black laced red wyandotte -3f

Hubby just conceded to 10 more to help with my speckled egg breeding project. I'm holding out to find what the local feed store will have coming in. Don't want to pay another shipping charge for Cackle so I'm considering Welsummers from other breeders to have better speckled variety for choosing breeders. We have a coop-shed design we are getting quotes on now that should give us 420sqft of coop space to work with once it's finished... So the question is will that be done by the time the chicks are ready to go with the adults?? Gambling 😅
Missed out on the WTB after they restocked last night, couldn’t fill the minimum myself :/ Now I’ve got a group of locals that will combine with me if they stock again. All the fingers crossed!

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