2022 Chicks - Cackle Experience

How many chicks did you order?
I ordered 105 chicks for February (60 meat birds and 45 pullets) and a hatchery surprise box of 40-50 chicks for May. So 140-150 chicks from Cackle at an average cost of $3.33. We currently have 86 birds (including 9 males) but 1/3 of those will find new homes over the winter and early spring as we pick out next year's breeders and layers.
Whats anyones expierence with ducks from Cackle?
We received two blue Swedish ducks and a Rouen last year. They were incredible healthy and grew like weeds. Cute little messy buggers! IMG_7305.JPG
I plan on getting 2. I wish i could have more but the tow limits me to 2. I wanted a swedish blue, how do yours lay (good, bad,)?
I found them a home when they were about 18 weeks old so I never found out. The pair were digging up our water line to make a mud puddle so we decided to wait until we had a better place so we could enjoy their duck antics without cringing!

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