21 day old Hatching eggs shaking but not breaking through???


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 13, 2010
I am new to the whole hatching eggs thing, and this is my first time hatching with my daughters. I have 25 hatching eggs that are 21 days in the incubator. I can see a few of them moving and shaking but still no sign of hatching? Is this normal? Advice?

I just saw a bunch of the eggs rolling around the bater.... Is this normal?
Today is day 21 for me too. Mine wiggled and shook too. One of mine rolled and then pipped. I think this is normal. I hope everything goes well for you and you daughters. It is very fun watching them hatch so have fun
Thanks everyone! I am tempted to open and candle the eggs but I am not going to do it. I am sure everything is ok and will be fine I just never done it before so worried something is wrong.

Thanks again!
I just checked again and one egg has pipped and heard some chirping. The rest are shaking but not pipping yet
They will rock and roll. sometimes you can hear chirping before they hatch ( once they break through the air cell ). I will second the motion - DO NOT open the incubator. Once they pip, it can sometimes take 24+ hours to hatch....not all the time, but it does happen.
Got it.....Just impatient I guess:lol:

Thanks everyone. I will update tomorrow....( Hopefully with pics of the new chicks! )

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