21 day old Hatching eggs shaking but not breaking through???

Ok I know not to open. I have two more late blummers that have hatched and I AM NOT GOING TO OPEN THE BATER even if the chicks are knocking the junk out of the other eggs
Thanks for all the help and advice. I will post pics when the hatch is complete (if I can figure out how:idunno)
Thanks for the advice. Exactly what is "shrink Wrapping" and what causes it?
So the Hatch is over.........6 beautiful new baby chicks. I was hoping for more out of 14 but happy. This was our first hatch. The girls got to see them all zipper out of the eggs and now the fun of taking care of them begins.

I did an eggtopsy on the other eight that didn't make it and this is what I found:

1. (1) Stink BOMB!!! still smellin up the basement. Don't know how I missed that one.

2. (1) Premature chick that probably died day 13 or 14.

3. (6) Mostly if not fully formed chicks that never pipped or hatched. Most all had yoke fully/mostly absorbed, and all looked healthy. I am confused.

Anyone have any ideas why we ended up with so many of number #3's?


So here are the pics of the ones we got!!

Thanks everyone for the help!!!!
Typically it is because they drown. Humidity that is too high will slow or stop the evaporation process. This causes the chick to grow too large inside the egg. The chick will pip the shell on day 21 and never go any farther. Or they won’t pip at all because they puncture the internal membrane of the egg and there they are met with a gush of water, causing them to drown.

Another reason could be egg quality (hereditary, poor nutrition in parents, etc).
Thanks. I have 24 more trying to hatch as I write. Crossing my fingers!!!

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