21 weeks and counting


11 Years
Apr 18, 2008
Kodiak, Alaska
My hens are all at 21 weeks now and still no eggs. It's driving me insane!

I'm feeding them layer feed with oyster shell, they get scratch grain at night for a little extra energy boost, I built them a nice nest box and put a fake egg in it and we've been leaving a light on at night. What else can I do???

Obviously, patience is not one of my virtues!

Our ducks that are the same age are all laying (ended up with 3 girls - yay!) and my friends that ordered with us has had eggs from her chickens. Am I doing something wrong or do I just need to be patient.

I'm leaving town for 3 day this weekend - that ought to be enough to get them laying, eh? Everything always seems to happen when I leave town.
I know how you feel. I am getting one egg a day, but not anywhere near what I need to make a decent breakfast, let alone any baked goods. The ones I have who aren't laying are 23wks (BR and EE), 22wks (RIR), and two australorps who are only 17wks, but certainly not looking like they will lay anytime soon.
That's what concerns me, I haven't noticed any behaviour that indicates they are ready. No squatting or checking out the nest box. I've even gotten desparate enough that I've searched through the trees since they free range during the day. No such luck!
Well, that's a relief. I've been watching them, expecting to see some of the behaviour everyone talks about.

The ducks were easy to tell when they were mature - even with 3 females!
My RIRs are 21 weeks too and I just got my very first egg out of them today. Just one out of seven hens. Small tiny bantam sized egg too.

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