22 weeks old and still not crowing.


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 11, 2012
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
I have what I believe is a roo but he's not crowing. He's 22 weeks old but I haven't heard as much as a cluck from him. Is it possible that I was wrong and he's actually a she? I'll see if I can get a picture of him when I home for lunch today. I thought for sure he would be crowing by now.
Could be a hen or could just be a roo that hasn't found anything he wishes to crow about yet.

Do you have any other roos?
No, no other roos. In fact this is my first ever round of chickens. 'He' was my free bird from McMurray's. He's so much bigger then the other hens I have and his comb went red A LOT faster. That is why I just assumed he was a roo. I'm pretty sure he's a Partridge Cochin.
No, no other roos. In fact this is my first ever round of chickens. 'He' was my free bird from McMurray's. He's so much bigger then the other hens I have and his comb went red A LOT faster. That is why I just assumed he was a roo. I'm pretty sure he's a Partridge Cochin.
Pics would help to identify if he truly is a roo, but sometimes they just don't find much to crow about and sometimes they never shut up.
Well I live in town so I hope he's not much of a crower! When I go home for lunch I'll get a picture.
Now if you didn't live in the city, and wanted a rooster that crows all the time, I have a serama roo in need of a good home. Just sayin....

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