23 Weeks and Still Waiting...


6 Years
Apr 16, 2013
Coastal NC
Tomorrow my flock is 23 weeks old and we have yet to see an egg. I'm hoping that just by posting this thread I'll walk out tomorrow, check the box and find an egg. It could happen right? We have a Deleware, 2 Wellsummers, a GLW, a Campine, and a Black Australorp, so I know they aren't production breeds. I love them, I love watching them go about their day in the yard, I love how they run to me for treats. But my FIL (who lives with us) asks me every day if they're going to lay or if he should get the fryer out, and he's driving me bonkers. Straight up BONKERS. So please tell me that at least one of them should lay an egg soon. They have bright red combs and wattles and the Campine squatted two days ago.
This is my first flock & none of
have mine started to lay yet either (20 weeks) but I did get the squat from my Australorp last 3-4 days ago. She finally laid one today (in the dust bath inside the coop
). She has the best developed wattlles & comb of them all. Hang in there! I'm anxious along with you for my girls to get busy
Yep, this is our first flock and I adore them. My sons and I love spending time with them. My issue is more that my FIL is driving me insane vs the chickens not laying I think. The Deleware and the GLW combs aren't as developed, although they both have red wattles at this point, but the others are mature looking. Nests are ready, fake eggs in them. On the plus side I just ordered the next batch of chicks (with a Jan 3rd hatch date) so eggs or no I'll have new chicks soon to love upon.

"My issue is more that my FIL is driving me insane vs the chickens not laying I think."

Pshht! They're YOUR chickens. Go enjoy them and ignore the man. Some just take a little longer to get started, and yours aren't that old that you need to worry anyway. Unless he's buying the feed and doing the chores, it's not his problem. Don't let him be yours. (Yeah, I'm old enough to really not care what anyone says anymore. I've learned to blow things off rather than let them eat at me.)
I got 5 Blue Wynadotte Pullets, going on 34wks & still not laying - Their combs/wattles have been red for a few weeks now, no squatting. The lady I got them from (a month ago) said "real quick here". They'll lay when they're ready
Prior to these I had 2 EE & 2 RIR, they started laying at 5 mos/20wks, I was surprised & tickled. I know the moves was stressful for them, the weather changes & shorter days plus I think they're doing a miniature molt (lots of loose feathers). They'll surprise me one day, I'm just enjoying having them, they are pretty & so darn sweet!
Technically they're half his chickens as he paid for half the coop and the land they're on is his. However I bought them, half the coop, the fencing, the feed, and do all the chores....... So in theory he does have a say in the chickens. And yep I fully acknowledge that they may not lay for several more weeks and still be totally normal, especially since it's winter (even here in coastal NC).
Pullets that mature in the fall do take longer to start laying. Impatient, first time owners tend to start them on layer feed too soon, and delay the onset of lay even longer. Some mistakenly believe that layer feed has a magic ingredient that will 'make' them lay. The reality is that it's called layer feed because it's for actively laying birds only. Maturing pullets need the higher protein of starter or grower to develop. Layer should not be fed until everyone in the flock is laying.
Good to know about the layer feed, they're not actually on it yet but I was wondering if I should switch over or just add oyster shell for them. They free range most of the day, we have just over 3 acres (1/2 wooded) that they range over and the boys and I delight in giving them a few meal worms a day. Mostly I just love watching them going about their day. The Wells are my favorites, even though I though I would want a brighter bird, to me they just seem the most interesting.

I think my plan now is to just buy farm eggs from someone local and pretend they're laying so FIL will shut his gob.

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