3 1/2 week old indian runner ducklings

YAY! When can i tell if they are female or male?
By six weeks old you can. Have you tryed vent sexing? I tryed on my ducklings at 2 weeks old, but when I did looked like all hens
im hopeing I did it right
with my welsh harlequins I could tell by 5 weeks, but thats because the males have green hens in that breed.
Here's a picture of mine from a little while ago...They were about 3 weeks old at the time. Pretty much look like adults now. They were hatched October 4th. The crested one is a male, I know this because at night in the coop I picked each one up and listened to its voice. I believe the chocolaty-gray one is a male also, but not 100%. I have also noticed that the two suspected males have thicker necks than the rest.

They were slightly alarmed at the strange thing in my hand
I love their knobby little knees!
The big duck is my older runner, who really likes having other ducks to hang with now.


These pictures are such a treat! Thanks!

I can never get enough of duck photo's. As if I don't have nine little precious runners in the basement pen right now. They are pretty and sweet, too.

But oh, the baby photo's!

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