3 Bantam Cochin Cockerals-Free


12 Years
Sep 12, 2007
Jefferson County, PA
Hello everyone. I have three Bantam Cochin Cockerals that need new homes. I lost track, but I think they are close to 2 months old. They are mostly black, a little bit of white mixed in there on a couple feathers. All three must go, but don't have to go together. I live in the Brookville, PA area. Gas prices being as they are, I don't really want to travel too far to meet anyone, but depending on my schedule and plans I may be able to take them part way too you. I am not far from Rt. 80 (Hazen exit). As the saying goes, they are free to a good home. I will try and get pictures soon, but there are pictures of them on my page when they were a week old (click on the blue link below).
Not yet, I will have to go out and collect eggs from my older birds (the girls were busy doing their business when I went out just a little bit ago). I will try to remember to take the camera with me.
I don't know anything about shipping birds. I have seen shipping boxes, but they are pretty expensive, plus the postage. I would rather pass them off to someone local or travelling through the area.
Wish I were closer, I would snag at least one, but I will probably end up with a bunch of roos myself. I hope not. At least I kind of know what to expect from my hatch right? They are cute so far and from the pics will continue to be cute.

I'm sure you will end up with some roos. Out of the 7 that I hatched last time, only 2 are pullets. therealsilkiechick got my two frizzles, the two pullets will go in with my other girls when they get a little bigger, but I don't need three more rooster (same old story). I am trying to avoid having to cull them. THe pictures don't show the interesting coloring of the feathers, they are dark grey with an almost black trim around each feather. They do have some white feathers underneath, not too noticeable though. But I can't wait to see pictures when yours get a little bigger Marie.
BTW I have 8 more eggs hatching soon, so I may have more roos then too, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for more pullets!!!!!

Soooooo, anyone want some roos? FREE!!!

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