3 Barred Rocks

They look like Pullets to me, Roos tend to be more lighter in color and the barring is more defined. But only time will tell. Good luck, they are adorable.
How old are the two in the lower picture? They are remarkably different. (Yay if mine are, in fact, all pullets!)
4.5 weeks, 5 weeks tops.

The males have two barring genes, which makes their barrings look brighter and whiter. The females, on hatchery stock, have cuckoo spots and only have one barring gene.

Cockerels sprout combs and wattles at 6 weeks, bright, big and red. Pullets' combs remain yellowish, and no wattles.

Your chicks are pullets. They are dark, with cuckoo spots. They are not cockerels. However, some are sneaky and look a bit "off". At six weeks? You'll be virtually certain.
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Thank you; my brain was tired and slow last night and for some reason I read it as "some of your pullets look a bit "off" " So I was trying to figure out if there was something wrong with them! It all makes sense this morning. At least it's Friday!! Thanks again

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