3 part staggered hatch, Wynette, Speckledhen, scbatz33 eggs new photos

Darn service ... I had no computer access until just now. It seems with any weather change I have a problem! Anyway ....
I woke up this morning to these 2 hatched. I don't know which one is the Olive Egger and which is the Marans.


Here they all are, in a huddle!

There is another Marans pipped, that is working at it. I see on SLPR pipped. They are sure draggin' it out! LOL
Marans is the one on the left. OH! That olive egger looks CUUUUTE!
I HOPE it's a pullet for you!!

Thanks for the update!!
Another Marans is almost out, and 2 more Marans pipped. I only see 1 SPPR pip, but I can't really see all that well to know on the others. The light blue eggs, I don't see any action. I have to leave for work in another 90 mins. They're still comin'!

Oh, on the Welsummer coloring ... yes, that is what it looks like. No blue really. Really it looks the darker Welsummer chick (from photo I saw) colors ... looks like browns and a little black. So cute! Well, they are ALL so cute!

My pictures are so dark. I finally realize the flash is not working. I'm sure I am doing something wrong. I am technoligically challenged! I will have one the kids figure it out!
Sounds like they're coming along!

The Welsummer coloring is quite different than yours as chicks - they have the chipmonk stripes. But, the one olive egger that I hatched that was black with red head is now looking like a Welsummer (it's 8 weeks old). You just never know what you're going to get with EEs!

Come on, Marans! No splash Jerseys yet? Surely there's one in there!
Yea, on the coloring, you just never know. No, there is nothing like the chipmonk stripe, I was just referring to the color it. I mean really ... this is brown, not red, and so darn cute!
Here's that one I hatched that now looks like a Welsummer:

Day old:


3 1/2 weeks (I need to get updated pics!)


Does yours look at all like this day old?
A bit like that, but the darkest brown is nearly black, and there is also a little black, no red (did yours look red on the head?). I will get a good picture soon. Thanks for the pictures, nice to refer to!
Yep, mine definitely looked red on the head, but nowhere else. Guess you've got a new color variety! Kewl!

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