3 part staggered hatch, Wynette, Speckledhen, scbatz33 eggs new photos

I'm thinkin' .... I should hear some peeping or something. Then, I go back and recall that the Lavender Orps had me worried at this time as well. And, they all hatched on day 21, like clockwork! OK, that's what I'm hopin' for.

On a side note ... I got my first green egg! YAY! My 26 week old EEs are finally gonna lay eggs.
Here it is .... nice pale green, really a pretty shade.

I gotta tell ya, new2chooks, I am definitely getting my exercize!

About these heritage Delawares ... my DH is really cheering them on! He is excited about these, and interested in the history of them. I am finding, the more I discuss chicken issues, the more interested he becomes! He is always helpful with construction and chores, etc. Now, he is wanting to know more. YAY!

Those Delis are sure quiet .... I am tapping, singing, dancing the jig, gave them their eviction notice, told them grandma is waiting, you name it ... not a peep yet. I just know what they are doing .... they are waiting for me to go to work. Little stinkers!
I went home for my lunch break .... guess what .... I hear cheeping in there! YAY! I did not see any pips. I am thinking it's gonna be a long night tonight! YAY! We have singin' goin on ...

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